We meet again

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"HE WHAT?!" The girls yelled after I told them. "I'm going to go kick his ass!!!" Sonia said and I stopped her. "Please don't the man who saved me was on the phone with the cops when I ran back to my car." I said and just couldn't get his eyes out of my head. "Knuxie why didn't you stay?" Millie asked. "I was scared and didn't want to stick around it was stupid I know but I just wanted to be safe...." I looked down and Silvia hugs me. "You're safe now knux. Now I wanna here more of your hero~ he sounds like your type of guy~" Silvia smirked and I giggle. "Not much more I could tell but it doesn't matter I'm getting married to that spoiled ass bastard." I looked down. "The guy tried to rape you I highly doubt you be married to someone behind bars." Sonia crossed her arms. We continue to talk about tomorrow night before heading to bed.

"Are you ok?" He asked and i replied yes thank you. When I touched his hand it was like sparks flew. I soon found myself wanting him and pulled him closer. I needed him in me and he knew it.

"Knuxie!" I bolt awake as Sonia shook me. "What?!" I said and saw worry on her face. "You're dad is here.... With your brothers...." She said and my body went numb. I got up and put a bra on and some pants. We walk outside where I saw anger in my fathers eyes. "Ladies I need a word with my daughter ALONE" "You're crazy if you think—" "Girls just go inside." "But—" "Now please" I said and they go inside as I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here dad?" I growled and my brothers looks at us confused. "Yeah dad what are we doing here?" Lance asked. "To drag your sister to the county jail and apologize to Infinite" "IM NOT APOLOGIZING TO THAT ASSHOLE!" I yelled. "YES YOU WILL BECAUSE HES TO BE YOUR HUSBAND AND YOU AS A WIFE MUST PERFORM!!!" My heart sank I can't believe my dad thinks this way but my blood boils. "THE FUCKER TRIED TO RAPE ME HE DESERVES TO ROT BEHIND BARS!" "Wait whoa he what?!" Mason said and Lance clenched his fist. "That man better be happy he's behind bars because I'm going to kill him." He said. "You two will do no such thing." My father glared and stormed up to me. "Now get your things now youn—" I slapped him and pushed him away from me shocking my brothers and my father. "I'm not going anywhere and you can forget about me helping you anymore tell your boss I'm not doing it and I hope he fires or forces you to retire. And I'm going to finally say it but I wish you got cancer and died instead of mom..... Manson Lance please get him away from me." I said and walked back to the house as they took my shocked dad into Mason car. Once I enter the house I fell to the floor and started crying into my knees while my friends gather around me hugging me.

Later on that night

I put on a purple tank when a black off the shoulder ripped at the sides shirt showing the purple tank, ripped black skinny jeans and black chained heel boots. I let my hair stay  down with my bangs flowing freely. I started lining the bottom of my eye with silver eyeliner and black at the top, then dusted my eyelids with a purple eyeshadow before applying mascara. I was happy when applying the new purple lipstick I just bought and it really made the outfit. "Looking good girl" Silvia smiled coming into the bathroom apply a electric blue lipgloss. "Thanks so do you trying to impress a certain someone at the club?" I smiled and she blushes. "I don't know what you're talking about" she said playing it off. "Silvia you been crushing on that bouncer for the longest time" I said. "Shut up.... Ok damn it... yes I need your help to talk to him....." she said. "Don't worry I got you" I smiled. Millie pushed Sonia in and they applied their make up before we hopped into my car and headed to the club.
When we arrived I pushed Silvia to the bouncer who was a very handsome male purple cat. "She likes you" I said and walked away. "KNUXIE YOU BITCH!" She yelled blushing. "Names Blazer what's yours gorgeous?~" he purred. "Now that she's going to be busy I think it's time I order mys—" I froze when I saw him. "Knuxie what's up?" Sonia asked and looked in the direction I was. "Omg is that him?" She asked and I nodded. It was the same black and red hedgehog that saved me last night. He was talking to another guy that turned out to be the guy with the green hedgehog in the mustang. "You got to talk to him!" Millie said and the next thing I knew it they pushed me to him. "Good luck!" They said and bolted to the dance floor. "Hey how are you feeling?" He smiled and my heart was just racing. "I'm better thanks to you" I said. "Whoa Shadow this was the woman you talking about?" "The one I saved yes Espio." "She was the girl I was telling you about that rejected scourge in the most bad ass way." He smiled. "Small world" I said pushing back my bang a bit. "Say espio you go on and head home I'll catch a Lyft" "ok man see ya next week" he said walking away. "Can I buy you a drink ms..." "Knucklina but I go by Knuxie and sure." I sat on the stool next to him. I ordered a beer since I'm the designated driver so I didn't want to get anything strong. "So what brings you here?" He asked. "I'm here with my friends for a girls night but.... Ya know" I blushed seeing Silvia and the bouncer head into one of the 'private' rooms. "It's funny how we meet again" I smiled sipping on the bottle. "Yeah it is which is good because I must ask why are you marrying that guy?" He asked. "I'm not anymore I was actually engaged that night because my father gave my hand to that bastard for a promotion at work....." I said. "Damn that sounds awful..." he said and finished his drink. "Anyways like I said I'm not marrying him be I just cut my dad out of my life so I'm back to being happily single." I said. "Well I mean if ya want..... perhaps you and I could go on a date? If it doesn't work out I would like to stay as friends" he smiled and my heart was absolutely racing hot guy, saved me, alluring eyes and respectful. I can't say no. "Ya know what why not~" I smiled and we exchanged numbers and he called mine verifying it. "So Knuxie when are you free?" "Would Friday night work?" I asked and he nods. "Pick you up at 7:30? Maybe head to the sky roof restaurant?" He said and I nodded as he phone rang. "My Lyft driver is here I'll see you Friday Knuxie" he smiled walking away. Sonia and Millie run up to me. "Soooooooooo?" They said and I smiled.

"I got a date Friday night with him girls"

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