A Visitor, Courtesy Of Steve

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"Barnes, you've got a visitor," a voice muttered.

Bucky turned his head away from the small window he was looking out of, gaze meeting the warden's. A visitor? he thought. The brunette moved away from the window as he followed the warden out of his cell. Several other prisoners started yelling and slamming their hands on the metal bars as Bucky kept his head low. He'd began asking to stay in his cell more often because now everybody wanted to pick a fight with him. It didn't exactly help that they all knew who he was...or once was.

"Who's my visitor?" he asked, voice hoarse.

It'd been a while since he'd opened his mouth to speak.

"No idea why he's here, but Tony Stark is here to visit you," the warden replied.

Bucky simply nodded as they walked down an empty hallway, before stopping at a room. It wasn't the usual visitor room where it was filled with other inmates meeting family or friends. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously as the door was opened and he was ushered inside. The door was closed behind him, his eyes darting around the room, until they stopped on an older man leaning against the far wall.

"Sorry if I'm not the visitor you were hoping for," Tony spoke.

"Tony," Bucky answered.

"You know who I am then?" Tony asked.

"I-" Bucky paused.

Memories flashed in his head of a man and a woman. The names Howard, Maria and Stark fizzled in his mind as he closed his eyes. His metal arm tried to recalibrate when he clenched his fist, but it simply groaned in protest. How could Tony even stand in front of him after what had happened to his parents?

"Relax Capsicle 2.0, I'm not here to fight with you, or argue with you. Or tell you how much I hate you for what you did. Because that wasn't you," Tony mused.

"What are you saying?" Bucky replied. "How can you stand there and say that?" he added.

"Because if you saw me now you'd probably try and kill me too. Am I correct? That used to be embedded in your brain. That was The Winter Soldier that did this. There's a difference between Bucky and him. He was a weapon, you're just a soldier trying to find his way home," Tony answered.

"I'm sorry," the brunette whispered.

Tony sighed.

"Don't be," he murmured.

"Why are you here?" Bucky questioned.

"Because by request of your dear Captain, he'd like me to fix your arm," Tony replied.

"Oh," Bucky breathed out. "Wait-my what?" he continued.

"Oh please, we all know you and Rogers made heart eyes at each other back in your day. You spry old fellows, your 'till the end of the line sort of thing," Tony quipped, sitting down at the table. "Come on, show me this bad boy," he added.

The brunette wandered over to the other chair and sat down, bringing his metal arm up onto the table. Tony whistled and grinned like a kid in a candy store, tracing his fingers over the grooves. Bucky watched him intently, curling his fingers every now and again to stop his anxiety.

"How's Steve?" he asked.

"Cap? He's good, got a little battered in the last mission. But, that's Steve I guess," the brunette answered.

"Typical," Bucky scoffed.

"Oh he asked me to give you this," Tony issued, pulling out a letter.

Bucky took it in his right hand and peeled it open, folding out the familiar paper from the first one. It had been five days since he'd heard from Steve and he'd thought that maybe he'd scared Steve off with his last one. But seeing this one out his mind at ease.

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