My Only Lifeline

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Steven Grant Rogers

Avengers Tower

Manhattan, NY

April 20th 2015 

James Buchanan Barnes

Newgate Prison

Manhattan, NY

Cell 107 


What the hell were you thinking pal? I know whatever that guy said upset you, but you're stronger than that. You should have let it go, but I cant blame you for your reaction. I guess that just shows how much you care. He kind of over-stepped the line though. It wouldn't matter to me if you were into men, you're my best friend and whatever you prefer now, it doesn't change that. You're still you, still Bucky. Please don't get into anymore trouble. The last thing I need is getting a call to say you've been seriously hurt...or worse. 

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write back. But we got sent out on yet another mission and I got trapped for a few days with Tony after the floor of a building caved in. Tony got hurt pretty bad, he's resting in hospital, but I've been going back and forth just to make sure he's alright. I only just found it in me to write today. Because I remembered that I missed you, a lot. Everything would be so much easier if you were here. 

That whole thing about giving up on you. You'll be shocked to see me write this but you can fuck off with that Buck. No way in hell am I giving up on you pal. Not a damn chance. You're my responsibility when it comes to getting you out of that prison. You'll get out of there because I'll damn well make sure of it no matter how much I need to beg. You're not well and you don't deserve to be there. Buck...god, you deserve to be here where I can just hold you, not let go and tell you everything will be okay. What the hell are you doing to me Bucky? What are you doing to me huh? I'll make you see just how amazing you were, just how amazing you still are. 

I'm not mad, I would never be mad at you. Unless it was serious, but this isn't what it is. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. I'm here, always here. 

I'll never give up on you. 

Your Stevie 

P.S. I hope your new gift is worthwhile. Didn't take much work, but I had to fight for it. 

His eyes were streaming with tears as he put the letter down, wiping them away with the palms of his hands. Bucky choked back a sniff as he shook his head and bit down on his lip to stop any sound escaping. The past week had been absolute hell for him, thinking Steve wasn't going to write back to him. Yet Steve was just throwing himself into danger as usual, but saving the world at the same time. Bucky inhaled deeply, before exhaling, picking up the letter again to give it another once over. 

He didn't understand what the next gift was, because there was nothing in the envelope, and Bucky was in the lunch room with only a select few of the inmates. As far as he knew, the inmate he'd beat up had been moved to another prison, a higher security one when he'd tried to kill a warden. Good riddance to him he thought. The brunette lifted his head, hearing the familiar jingle of keys as he locked eyes with his warden, Jack. He was nice enough, but he wasn't the sociable type either. Then again, he had this eerie aura around him and sometimes Bucky didn't like the vibes he felt from him.

"Barnes," he spoke.

Bucky remained silent.

"You have a call on the line," Jack issued.

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