Bucky Bear

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A/N: The final letter...or is it? :P


Bucky Barnes

Newgate Prison

Manhattan, NY

Cell 107

June 21st 2015

Steve Rogers

Avengers Tower

Manhattan, NY


Has anyone ever told you how much of a sap you are? No? Then let me be the first to say it to your face when we meet again. Seriously, you're absolutely khaki wacky, but I can't complain. In fact, I love it, really. The flowers you sent, they're beautiful, and the bear...he's adorable. I've slept like a log for the past few nights, so that's tellin' you somethin' pal. The visit from Natasha was great, Colin too even if it was brief. He looks stressed, we seriously need to buy him something as a thank you gift. Whenever I get out of here of course, even then I'll still want to buy him something, he's helping out so much.

I'll probably only keep this letter short. There isn't really much to say Stevie. I'm running out of things to say. And here I thought it was going to be easier once I told you how I felt. Honestly, it's not any easier because every time I think about you I just get lost in my thoughts. I never thought we'd get here Steve, never thought we'd get this close. I'm starting to believe a little more in second chances. I never used to...always thought they were bullshit.

I'm glad the flowers didn't make me seem like an idiot. I miss your Ma' just as much as you Steve. She was a beautiful woman inside and out, always made time for us no matter what she was doing. She was a fighter. I guess that's where you get your fighting spirit, from her, you're so much like her. She'd be so proud of you too, for all the good you're doing. You were always her hero y'know that. I told her you were mine because you were really brave in pushing through everything thrown at you. She said "Yeah, he's my hero too, always will be"...you were her god damn sunshine Steve and she's probably watching over you now seeing how much you've grown up. Probably smiling at you too.

Also I am slightly offended that you don't think I'll be able to grasp the Internet. I can handle the iPod and tablet Tony gave me very well. So maybe I will spank your patriotic ass when I get out of here you punk. You made me laugh about that part in the letter. Where did my innocent Steve go? I'm shocked. Kidding, I didn't expect you to stay innocent forever, especially not living under Tony Stark's roof. Don't tell him I said that he'll have my head on a fuckin' platter.

I'm gonna' go have a workout at the gym now before my times up. Can't be walking around when there's other inmates. I think I told you that already. It feels a lot more relaxing just to be isolated anyway. Besides Jack, he's keeping me company. Thought he was weird, but he's actually pretty cool, he's being the mother hen, since you can't be...yet.

Now I'm being mean to you Stevie.

You know I love you babydoll...


Your Bucky xx

P.S. Ask Tony for your present.

The alcohol burned as it slid down Steve's throat, but he never got the buzz that everyone else talked about. Fucking serum he thought. He placed Bucky's letter down on the kitchen counter and poured another scotch out of the bottle into the glass that sat beside him.

"Mind if I join you, Cap?" a voice hummed softly.

Steve turned in the barstool and saw Tony standing at the end of the kitchen counter, hands tucked into his pockets. He looked tired but Steve knew not to argue with Tony when talking about sleeping.

"Sure," he replied, grabbing another glass and filling it up.

Tony smiled and sat beside Steve, placing a paper bag on the counter as he grabbed the scotch. He held his glass out to Steve and the pair clinked their glasses together, before taking a sip. The brunette's hand rested warmly on Steve's back, giving it a rough pat as he smiled again.

"How you doin' Cap? Holding up okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, better now," Steve answered.

"Bucky wanted you to have this," Tony mused, pushing the paper bag towards Steve. "Says it might help you sleep too," he added.

"How did he-" Steve paused.

"When you love someone a lot you can just tell when they aren't sleeping properly. For me that isn't the case, I just go off by what I see happening to myself. JARVIS reminds me sometimes, don't you honey?" Tony joked.

"Of course sir," the AI replied.

Steve couldn't hide his laughter as he reached into the bag, feeling something soft inside as he pulled out a bear much like the one he sent Bucky. Except this one looked like Bucky with a little Winter Soldier outfit on it. A note was stuck to its chest and Steve tugged it off gently as he read it.

"Turns out Clint is an expert at sewing. Hope you like your own little Bucky bear." - Bucky xx

Tony had been reading it too and started howling with laughter about Clint, Steve joining in shortly after. He was hunched over the counter, holding one of his arms over his ribs to try and stop himself. Steve hadn't laughed so much in his life. Yet, the laughs soon turned to tears, a mix of sadness and happiness as Steve found himself losing it all over again. It had happened with Natasha, now it was happening with Tony and Steve couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

"Hey...Steve," Tony whispered. "It's alright buddy," he soothed.

"I just want him here," Steve sobbed, burying his face into the fur of the bear, tears soaking the fabric of the small mask on it.

"Steve, c'mere," Tony offered, resting his hand on Steve's arm.

The blonde turned around again and Tony embraced him warmly. He rubbed his hand comfortingly up and down Steve's back, blinking away some tears of his own. He'd watched Steve try to fight through all the suffering of watching Bucky spiral out of control, only to pick himself up and then tell Steve he loved him. Tony couldn't help but feel for Steve, he didn't know what it was like, but he knew what it was like to hurt and to fear things.

"Everything is gonna' be okay Cap," he assured Steve. "Everything is gonna' work out just how you want it to," he continued. "Bucky's gonna' be hanging on just for you, because he loves you. Someone who doesn't really love you would have given up a long time ago," he added.

Steve nodded slightly as he tightened his grip on Tony, hugging him to find the comfort he needed so much. He felt blessed to have friends like the rest of the Avengers. They all helped Steve through this tough time, and they even said they would help Bucky. They'd welcome him with open arms and Steve couldn't feel more happier just by knowing Bucky would have a home.

"Thank you Tony. Thank you..." he wavered.

"Anytime Cap, we're here...we're your friends," Tony answered.

They pulled apart and Steve wiped away the tears from his eyes, Tony discreetly wiping away his own. He picked his glass back up and Steve did the exact same.

"To Bucky," Tony hummed.

"To Bucky," Steve replied.

It was going to be a long night for Steve.


A/N: I'm really excited for the next chapter, but I won't say why because that's spoilers :D

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