Where Is He?

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A/N: Thought I'd add a filler chapter in.


May 4th 2015 

The heavy fire doors to the hospital slammed open with a brutal force. So much so, the walls had dents in them now, much to the nurse's annoyance at the front desk. Hurried footsteps were loud on the marble floors, a tall figure scurrying by people in a flash. The man slammed his fists on the front desk, knuckles white as he let out a shaky breath, chest heaving heavily. It startled the nurse at the reception who rested her gaze on a pair of blue eyes, moist with tears and bloodshot. 

"Captain Rogers," she greeted.

"Please, just call me Steve. Where is he?" Steve replied.

"Who specifically are you talking about?" the nurse questioned.

Steve's fists grew tighter, his jaw clenched tightly as he tried to calm himself down. He'd only just found out this morning as to why Bucky hadn't replied to him. Apparently after his phone call to Bucky, he had fallen ill, both mentally, physically and emotionally, landing him in hospital. The blonde knew he probably shouldn't have called him, he blamed himself for getting Bucky into this state. 

"My friend...James Barnes," he answered.

The nurse, who Steve had found out was named Debbie looked at him with a sympathetic expression.

"I'm sorry, but we can't allow anyone to see Mr Barnes," she issued.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

His brow furrowed as he stood back and rested his hands on his hips, biting down on his lip nervously.

"We have him sedated right now, so he can rest. The doctor thinks it's best if the only contact he has is with medical personnel," Debbie explained.

"I don't give a damn! He's my best friend! He's sedated, he won't even know I'm there!" Steve yelled.

"Sir, please calm down. I know how upsetting it must be but-" she stopped when Steve interrupted.

"You have no idea how upsetting it is! Not one bit!" the super soldier spat. "If you had any heart you'd let me through there regardless! Whatever protocol you have...make an exception! I'm tired of being pushed away from him! I had to fight for the phone call to him the other week. Hell I had to fight to even send him letters and small gifts with them! Now you're going to let me through to see him or so help me I'll do it myself!" he roared.

"I-" Debbie paused, placing the folder down that she had.

Steve only glared at her more, his eyes burning with pure rage, hurt and guilt.

"Mr Rogers," a voice interjected.

He turned to find an older man dressed in a suit approaching him from the dodgy plastic chairs in the waiting room. His hand was held out as Steve took it and gave it a firm shake, his attention now on the man.

"Do I know you?" Steve queried.

"No, I'm afraid not, but James knows me. I'm Colin Viklund, James' new lawyer," the man answered, his British accent thick and rich.

"New lawyer?" the blonde murmured, raising an eyebrow.

"Well why would you hire the same lawyer who failed to keep your friend out of jail?" Colin questioned.

"Best...friend," Steve corrected.

Colin nodded with a small smile.

"Apologies," he hummed.

Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair, before letting it fall back to his side. He was slightly out of line for getting so angry. But, it was a natural thing for him when he worried so much about Bucky. The fact that he couldn't go and see him was eating away inside him. You stupid, stupid idiot he thought.

"Is there something I can help you with?" the blonde offered, turning his gaze back to Colin.

"I was wondering if we could discuss James. Just so I have a reference to go by when I speak to a judge," Colin responded.

The blonde nodded slightly. 

"If it's not a problem I'd like to go take a walk, clear my head, I'd rather not stay here. Coffee is on me?" he replied.

Colin smiled kindly again.

"I suppose there's not much I can use to protest against that. Shall we?" he mused, pointing back to the front doors.

Steve didn't reply, he just started walking. He couldn't find it in him to speak anymore at that moment. The restless nights, thinking and hoping that Bucky was alright drove him batshit crazy. If he trusted Colin enough, maybe Bucky would be out of prison quicker than his original date. 

"So, how about you start telling me about how you feel about Bucky. How does he make you feel? What makes him your best friend? What makes him special to you?" Colin queried.

"Well-" Steve paused, swallowing thickly. "Bucky makes me feel for him in a way I never thought I would," he added.

There was never an easy way for him to explain how he was slowly falling in love with Bucky. He was...happy. It stirred a memory in the super soldier's mind, the time he visited Sam during one of his talks with ex-war veterans.

"What makes you happy?"

"I don't know,"

"And what makes you happy?" Colin continued.

A sad smile quirked at the corner of his mouth, because now he finally had an answer.

"Bucky..." he whispered, wiping away a tear that threatened to fall. "Always Bucky..." he added.

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