My Sweetheart

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At last

My love has come along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song

Bucky's tired eyes opened slowly as he stared up at the ceiling of his cell. He had Etta James playing on the iPod he'd been given from Tony. His metal arm was resting on his chest, the other under his head which was starting to feel dead under the weight of his head. He'd only managed to get about six hours sleep, but that was more than a meagre three or four.

Oh yeah yeah

At last

The skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clover

The night I looked at you

"You're keeping the outfit right?"

The brunette laughed softly, closing his eyes again as a small smile played on his lips. He always thought how he'd said that sounded a little flirtatious in a sense. Maybe he had meant it that way, Steve looked damn fine in his suit. Bucky felt his cheeks heat up just thinking about it, before groaning as he turned around onto his stomach. Stupid sexy Steve he thought. He sighed heavily and buried his face in his pillow that was a little comfier than the last, hell the new bed was even better. He'd slept on worse though.

"Barnes, you awake?" Jack called, his footsteps echoing up the hall.

"Yeah 'm awake," Bucky drawled, sighing as he pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Got another letter here from your lover boy," Jack taunted.

Bucky scoffed as he wandered over to the cell door and snatched it from Jack.

"You're just jealous," he teased.

Jack laughed.

"Whatever you say kid, come on, you can come out to the sitting room," he offered, opening the door as it creaked loudly.

He'd grown fond of Jack over the past few months, turns out Jack was pretty fond of Bucky too. Although, when other stubborn wardens came wandering along Jack had to act like some tough guy. When in actual reality he was an absolute softie and Bucky had gotten to know almost everything about him.

"Expecting any visitors today?" Jack asked.

"Nah," Bucky replied, shaking his head. "Maybe Colin, but I think he's busy speaking with judges and all that," he added.

"Gonna' miss ya' when you get outta' here," Jack commented.

Bucky grinned from ear to ear.

"Jeez Jack, don't make me start cryin' huh? I think I've done enough of that," he chuckled.

"You've grown on me kid, it's a sense of comfort for me. Always workin' away from my own kids. Have to come here and look after bigger kids, but you've been good the past few weeks. I'm impressed. From what you were like when you came here I thought we'd be having the most difficulties with you. Except for that one slip up, but...y'know, you're well on your way to getting better," Jack explained.

"You sound like a mother hen," Bucky joked.

Jack shrugged slightly as he stood by the far wall, Bucky walking by him to go sit at a table. He got his own free space in that room. Some other inmates did come by now and again but it was always when Bucky was safely back in his cell. Bucky ran his thumb under the fold of the envelope, folding it back as he pulled the letter out, chewing down on his lip. He didn't know how Steve would have reacted to his last letter, and he was nervous to read this one.

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