'Till The End Of The Line

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Bucky Barnes

Newgate Prison

Manhattan, NY

Cell 107

May 12th 2015

Steve Rogers

Avengers Tower

Manhattan, NY


I heard you came to see me at the hospital but they wouldn't let you in. If I said I was disappointed that would be an understatement. I was devastated when I got told you were here but couldn't see me. They may have had me sedated but I could still hear things around me. But the fact that they had the fucking audacity to allow Bruce in really rustled my fucking feathers. I get it, he's a fucking doctor, but what difference does it make from you? I guess I'm just a little upset that I'm stuck behind these stupid bars again, feeling like a caged animal when I could have had to chance to see you.

Anyway, can you tell Bruce I'm sorry for yelling at him, for saying all those mean things. I don't think it was a good thing to do, considering his issues with his anger. I hope I haven't hurt him and if you could tell me if he's alright, it would make me feel a whole lot better.

They said I can't have anymore phone calls to prevent the previous incident happening again. And the only person who can visit me now is Colin, or Tony if I so happen to fuck up my arm again. Colin told me you two met, that you discussed some things. He told me you felt responsible for what happened to me. It wasn't you Stevie, it was my mind, it was me. I just can't seem to let you go when I know you've got important missions to go on and everything. I suppose I just wanted to cling onto that one thing that keeps me alive every second of the day.

Steve you have no idea how important these letters have become for me. You have no idea how much they've helped me remember. I find myself lying down at night on my bed and being hit with memories of our past. All those moments with little you when you needed to be looked after when you got sick, all those times you were so determined to get into the army. Then I remembered when you came to save me in 1943. I remember how happy I was to see you, thought I was a damn goner when I was there. But no, there you were, still Steve but just a little bigger, my damn knight in shining armour. I know that sounds corny as hell, but that's how it felt to me. You know someone is your best friend when they risk life and limb to come and rescue you.

Pal, you were always my hero, small or big, you were still keeping me together. You still keep me together now. I'm having a meeting with Colin in a week or so, he wants to talk about getting me out here quicker than originally planned. Wouldn't that be swell Stevie?

I wanted to tell you something during our phone call. But I knew if I did, it would only make this harder. All I want you to know is that you're making me feel things I never thought I'd feel for anyone, especially not for you. But you can't buy it, you need to earn it. And I think I'm earning it. I know I'm feeling it. I'll keep it quiet for now. Save it for a rainy day even when I can curl up on a sofa and take all your warmth.

Take care of yourself Steve. I'm with you always, in mind, spirit, heart...however you want to put it.

Your Bucky x

P.S. You can thank Colin for taking time out of his day to get the gift made that I wanted you to have. I think you need a little bit of me with you until we meet again.

"We're nearing the drop zone Cap, you might wanna' finish up with that letter," Tony mused.

They were in a quinjet, flying over a HYDRA base that they were planning to infiltrate and destroy. Steve was going to be leading the team so they really needed him on board at that time. The blonde folded the letter up and handed it to Coulson, who gave him a small smile. To have Coulson back as their director was like a god send. The sheer shock on everyone's faces when Coulson made his reappearance was one to be jarred in his memory forever.

"How's he holding up?" he asked.

"He's better now, a little upset about the whole hospital drama. But he's trying, he really is. There's a few things he wrote in there that are like riddled to me. Typical Buck. I'll figure them out sometime," Steve replied.

"May I?" Phil questioned, bringing the letter out again.

Steve smiled softly and gave an affirming nod, before standing up. He pushed his cowl onto his head and buckled it, before picking up his shield that was sitting in a cabinet. Tony and Natasha were standing near the ramp that was opening now, the wind blowing furiously. The blonde stepped onto the ramp with them, looking at Tony, then to Natasha, giving them a salute.

"Thirty seconds until drop off Cap!" Tony yelled, over all the loud noise.

"Captain Rogers!" Phil called.

He still calls me that? Steve thought, turning around to face Phil.

"You forgot this," he issued.

Phil threw a piece of chain at him with a dog tag hanging on the end. Steve grasped it in his hand and twisted it in his hand. Engraved on it was 'Steve and Bucky. Till' the end of the line' in a neat font. The blonde's heart swelled as he smiled, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. It was a beautiful gift.

"Time to go Steve!" Natasha exclaimed.

Steve swung the chain around his neck, tucking it inside his suit as he felt the cold metal on his warm chest. He placed his shield behind his back and turned back to face the open ramp again. The fire of determination in the pit of his stomach only grew as he wandered to the edge. Bucky was basically his guidance when he needed it most.

"I'm with you till' the end of the line pal,"

With one finally look at his teammates, Steve jumped. Upon setting his course for the water, he braced himself for impact, Bucky on his mind. And always on his mind.

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