Moonlight Serenade

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to upload, this got longer than I expected. There's some angst throughout this, Bucky's obviously still trying to come to terms with everything. Bucky also gets really upset about something, so I will say there's a minor character death and I am SORRY. Also it gets really adorable, I made them grossly adorable, send help. There's a bit of sexy content too. -wink wink-


August 13th 2015

Bucky had been out of prison for just over a month now. Colin paid them a visit just a week ago and Bucky bought him the most expensive whiskey there was. Overtime, his friendships with the other Avengers only grew, it was like he was family now. Steve's photo frame had been filled with a picture of Bucky, as well as the team photo in the middle, Sebastian included. Beside that one was a picture of the pair on Steve's birthday, the photo that Natasha had taken when Steve decided to kiss Bucky. It turned out better than she thought, capturing the fireworks in the background and the small smile on Bucky's lips when kissing Steve.

During that month, Steve and Bucky's relationship, connection and chemistry only blossomed. They'd only had one argument when Steve came back from a mission once, battered and bruised, which left Bucky in a state. He wasn't ready to go out on missions just yet, direct orders by Phil, but Bucky wanted to a lot of the time. Yet he knew he couldn't protect Steve all the time, and that this was his job. He was saving people after all, so Bucky had to live with it. Though missions were a rare occasion and they mostly found themselves curled up on the sofa, watching movies or TV shows they hadn't seen. Sebastian would always lay on the rug, close enough for Bucky to reach down and pat him every now and again.

Domesticity was starting to grow on them, and the rest of the team. Natasha and Clint took a vacation to Budapest and Tony, Sam, Thor and Bruce would find themselves going bowling or out to a sports game every Friday night. It was pure bliss and Bucky hadn't felt so relaxed in years. Of course, most nights the team would gather for dinner on the main floor, sharing stories of their days. The jokes Tony and Clint cracked would always be directed at Steve and Bucky, and the pair had to find ways to get back at them.

As far as everyone else was concerned, Bucky and Steve were too busy trying to catch up with the modern world they were too tired to take things that little step further. Behind closed doors they would say their goodnights, a long kiss and usually a cheeky little grope here and there. But nothing really intensified from that. Steve thought maybe Bucky was still a little self-conscious of how he was now, so he never brought up the topic. It's what made their relationship stronger, they didn't overstep the line when it wasn't necessary.

Now, as the pair walked in the park, warm coffees in their hands and a boisterous canine ahead of them, they still enjoyed the calming silence that seemed to radiate from them. Steve's arm was wrapped loosely around Bucky, hand resting in the brunette's jacket pocket while Bucky had one hand full with a coffee and the other with the leash connected to Sebastian's collar. The air was crisp, and chilly but the sun was still out, so it wasn't overly freezing. It was the last month of Summer anyway. They stopped by a bench and sat down, tying Sebastian to the bench rail so he could sit down and so Bucky didn't have to hold him the whole time. He sat their coffees to the side on the arm of the bench until they wanted them again. Steve's arm fell around Bucky's shoulder as he pressed a kiss to his temple, pushing a stray piece of hair behind the brunette's ear.

"So much as changed Stevie," Bucky mused.

"It definitely has," Steve replied.

"I mean, being gay isn't that big a deal, there's same-sex marriage in some states, interracial couples were allowed to marry since the late 60's, same-sex couples can adopt in some states," Bucky explained.

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