Farewell To Bucky

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A/N: The title is very misleading trust me. Don't panic.



July 4th 2015 - 9am - Newgate Prison

"But I knew him..."

"Wipe him, and start over,"

"Bucky? Bucky," a voice called, echoing in his ears.

"Steve, I remember...I remember," Bucky whispered, clutching his pillow tightly.

"Bucky wake up, come on," the voice soothed.

He felt a weight on his shoulder and Bucky grumbled, pressing his face into the pillow more. The hand shook him gently and Bucky huffed, turning his head slightly.

"S'the barn on fire?" he drawled.

His eyes opened slightly and Bucky saw that he was in his cell still. Oh for fucks sake he thought. A laugh sounded in the room and Bucky felt the hand on his shoulder giving him a gentle squeeze. Bucky knew that laugh belonged to Colin.

"No the barn is not on fire, come on Bucky. Wake up. Move your backside," he ordered.

"What time is it?" Bucky groaned.

"9 o'clock," Colin replied.

"In the morning?" the brunette asked.

"Of course in the morning," Colin chortled.

Bucky sighed and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He ran his hands down his face, listening to his arm recalibrate and whir softly. His bones protested with small cracks as he sat up and stretched, yawning loudly. The brunette was wondering why he'd been woken up, and why Colin was there. It was unusual for him to be there so early in the morning.

"Follow me," Colin mused, pointing towards the open cell door.

"Where are we going?" Bucky questioned.

"You'll see," the older man answered.

In his mind, Bucky didn't think it would be anything good or interesting. But his heart was telling him otherwise. He knew today was Steve's birthday, maybe Steve had decided to come and see him. Colin hadn't given him anymore updates on his sentence, so Bucky just assumed he was stuck in prison for a little while longer. To say it broke his heart was an understatement. They walked down a long hallway, a warden close behind them. Bucky's nerves got worse at each step they took, before they stopped outside a small room. There was a bag sitting inside and a razor and brush, peeking Bucky's interest.

"Get dressed, neaten up that stubble and give your hair a brush. I'll be waiting here," Colin issued.

"I don't follow," Bucky replied.

"Just do it," Colin sighed, giving Bucky a small push into the room.

Bucky grumbled under his breath as the door was closed behind him, leaving him in the dim and slightly claustrophobic room. He walked over to the table where the bag, razor and brush were, his eyes scanning over them. His fingers pulled at the zipper of the bag, revealing a clean set of clothes and some shoes. Bucky's throat clenched as he pulled the clothing out, a pair of jeans, an old red shirt and converse.

"Tony," he breathed out, he knew Tony wore things as casual as this.

It felt like the walls were just shifting in closer but Bucky shook his head and picked up the razor, before standing over at the small mirror. He shaved off a few unruly hairs on his stubble, before grabbing the brush and tugging all the knots out of his hair from the previous night. Just by doing that he looked a little less like a walking zombie in an apocalypse. Bucky snorted and turned back to grab the clothes as he pulled the uncomfortable prison clothes off, throwing them to the side. The shirt was a little tight, but still fit comfortably, the jeans were perfect and the shoes were even better. He looked back at himself in the mirror and already he felt better, he looked a thousand times better than what he was.

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