Sweet Silver Bells

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A/N: The final chapter of Hey You. It took me a while to write this last chapter because I kept having to stop and take a breather. You could say it was a little overwhelming. There's a fair bit of angst and emotion in this, lots of crying, and I mean lots. I decided to add in some smut 'cause hey, it just happened. And then it's finished by a very emotional Christmas scene. Translations at the end.


November 26th 2015

"Sebastian! Come here right now!" Bucky called.

The clink of the tags on Sebastian's collar echoed through the room as Bucky stood by the kitchen counter with his hands on his hips. It'd been just over two months, nearly three since Steve and Bucky's first date. They hadn't been on one since then because the team were working their asses off with saving the world and all that kind of superhero stuff. Bucky still wasn't cleared of possible relapses after suffering from one just over a month ago. The memory was still tainted in his mind and Bucky still found it hard to look at Tony and accept hugs from him like he used to.

Tony was working on his arm when it happened. He'd turned to grab something else from his box of tools when a trigger went off in Bucky's head. His entire body tensed as he clenched his fist, whipping his head to the right, before looking straight ahead again.

"Target acquired," he muttered, almost robotically.

"Wha-gah!" Tony shouted, hands flying up to Bucky's wrist.

Bucky surged out of the chair and dragged Tony to the nearest wall, slamming him against the wall. Tony winced as he clawed at Bucky's metal arm, letting out sharp gasps for air.

"Bucky," he choked out.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" the brunette snarled.

Tony yelped as Bucky's grip tightened on his throat, his hands fumbling to reach into his pocket. He swung his arm up and jammed a device between some plating on Bucky's arm, hearing and seeing sparks circulate up the arm. The arm disengaged as Tony dropped to the floor, before staggering to his feet. All he could do was run because he knew Steve and the others were elsewhere in the tower and they'd specifically said if Bucky acted out they had to run. Tony could hear Bucky close behind him as panic started to set in. Hydra must have programmed it into Bucky's brain to eliminate him once the time was right, just like his parents. The fear that coursed through Tony then was more than he'd ever imagined in his life.

"Steve! Steve!" he yelled, voice hoarse as he rubbed his throat.

"Up here!" Steve called back.

Shit the word, what's the word for Bucky's relapses? he thought.

"Code Winter Steve! Code Winter!" he exclaimed.

There was a crash and then raised voices as Tony staggered up to the main floor.

"Get back alright! Get back!" Steve ordered.

Tony's heart was pounding in his chest as he reached the floor, seeing Steve at the opening of the hallway, Natasha, Thor, Sam, Bruce and Clint behind him, Sebastian held close by Clint's side. He was barking like mad, sensing danger as Tony ran straight for Steve. The blonde grabbed Tony's arm and dragged him in close to his chest, before turning around and urging him towards the others. Steve hooked his arm through the straps on his shield as the loud thumping footsteps of Bucky's combat boots sounded on the stairs. He shielded the others away from Bucky as the brunette stopped at the top of the stairs. His hair was hanging slightly over his face, his chest heaving and hands clenched into fists. Bucky craned his neck and looked directly at Tony, his eyes dark and distant.

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