Chapter 1: Marriage To A Sageion Man

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***WARNING: This chapter contains abuse, sensitive topics, and harassment.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 1...

"Yeretzy, I have good news. I have found you a husband worthy for you my daughter." (Pope Faust, said)

Pope Faust de Marabey age forty-nine, a tan-skinned man with black combed hair and dark blue eyes that seemed to match his holy priest vestments.

A white long tunic with golden embroidery that consisted of a swirly pattern alongside his dark blue long vest.

Pope Faust sat in the main seat of the dining table.

At his words, Yeretzy who was sitting on the left side of him three seat's away could not help but feel the wave of her anxiety.

On the other side, a quick protest was loudly stated.


Hands slamming down on the dining table.

"Again?!" (Dillion, yelled)

Dillion de Marabey, age twenty-two, a light blonde-haired young man with a left parted hairstyle with some hairs on his right side.

He had beautiful bubble gum blue eyes that complimented his light blonde hair. He was a pretty young man.

"No, she just ended her engagement just two months ago with young marquess Heavens!"
(Dillion, yelled)

"Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

Pope Faust called Dillion's name with a warning tone as he closed his eyes.

But Dillion did not back down.

"Father, this is not right! Please reconsider Yere's feelings!" (Dillion, yelled)

"I have made my decision Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

He took a sip of his tea with his eyes closed.

"But he's a Sageion's man, why must we send Yere to that northern land?!" (Dillion, yelled)

"Then would you like to take her place?" (Pope Faust, asked)

He opened one eye to give Dillion a side stare.

'Flinch' (Dillion)


Teacup noise.

He had set his teacup down and opened his eyes to look at Dillion.

"It-" (Dillion, said)

Just as soon as Dillion was to speak again pope Faust interrupted him.

"That was a rhetorical question Dillion." (Pope Faust, said)

"Do you think they will let you have the hand of the young duchess?" (Pope Faust, asked)

"It's the choice I have already agreed on already among the head of the Dameria family and I." (Pope Faust, said)

"!" (Dillion)

'The young then that means!' (Dillion's inner thoughts)

He greeted his teeth in anger.

Pope Faust continued to speak.

"The best way to stay at peace is for Yeretzy to marry the young duke." (Pope Faust, said)

He had now set his elbows on top of the dining table and glasp his arms together resting his chin on top of them.

"Unless you wanna start a war with the barbarians?" (Pope Faust, asked)

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