Chapter 10: The Cliff I Drift

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, abuse, suicidal content, and sensitive content.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 10...

Yeretzy's light body hit the freezing water.

It was cold, it was dark, just like back then too.

This sinking feeling brought her back memories as she wished to be washed away just as in her first life.

To drift down to the bottom of the salty sea...

In this life, it seemed she had ended up on the same path.

She let her frail body continue to sink slowly as her light purple dress with dark purple had added an extra weight sinking at a faster rate.

This feeling had not scared her, after all, she had experienced it once before.

Her body naturally relaxed submerging into the water, a calmness she had experienced before just like the ocean water the last day she saw her mother Chu Chi.

'It's all the same huh Mother?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'It's quite pathetic that I'm dying the same way my mother wanted me to...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She looked above where the silver bridge reflected its color against the water.

A small bitter smile display her face as the silver bridge reflection was becoming farther away catching the last rays of her golden marriage ring that had shimmered in this dark lonely water.

'Ha, now I no longer have to die by my husband, how ironic' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I told myself I'll be fine, I won't die...but the only words that I want to come out of my mouth is how this will no longer hurt' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She looked at the surface as she continued to sink farther away.

'I just wanted a day where it didn't feel like I wasn't falling apart' (Yeretzy's inner thought)

She didn't know if she was able to cry under the water but her eyes had given in exhaustion of this miserable second life.

She let the water slowly sink her down calming her senses.

'The surface brought so much pain but the water brought me calmness...this is where I say goodbye' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She slowly closed her eyes with a heartbroken smile remembering her miserable past life.

-First life Flashback, day of death-

It was an early morning with a light fog that clashed with the ocean's coast cold weather.

Dark blue water furiously crashed against the wet thick rocks, swifting away the ground pebbled rocks.

A dark mystic-looking beach covered with large cliffs for a brave experienced diver to jump.

'Clap, Clap'

"Alright everyone, we will proceed onto the next scene in a couple of minutes" (Director yelled)

A short black-haired black beard with thick black squared glasses director wearing a black puffer jacket and a warm knitted scarf yelled to be heard.

He clapped his hands to draw his crew's attention, the camera staff, the makeup staff, the designer staff, and every individual working in this movie.

However, there were exceptions.

"Where are Chu Chi and Haera Chu?" (Director, asked)

The director asked with a hurried tone.

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