Chapter 35: A Crazy Man That Does Not Abandon His Wife

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As if time had stopped in between them two she and him were closer than what she could have guessed but farther than he thought.

As if a border blocked them from getting closer to one another.

In this fluttering pink leaves surrounding them.

It wasn't a scene that you'd expect in this golden slight of brightness but an utter unbelieveness for one another.

He who stared at her with ruffed-up hair, large bad eye bags as if he had not slept a wink as his face and palladian uniform were dirty just like he had not had the chance to stop to take care of himself.

But most of all his mouth was opened as if his eyes stared at her like he couldn't believe he was looking at her.

She was covered in pink leaves with her messy hair, her dirty dress, and her dirty face, just like her shoeless feet.

An expression as if she was shocked seeing this man.

Just like a person who had no expectations but for once had been surprised her expectations had been met.

"What...are you doing here..." (Yeretzy, said)

Even her voice resembled her expression.

"MEFF!" (Sheep monster, growling)

"GRRRR!" (Fox monster, growling)

But her monster friend had noticed Alexander.

They became aggressively alert and defensive making Alexander pull out his sword.

"Yeretzy get away from them-" (Alexander, said)

Or at least he tried.

"NO! GET AWAWY! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" (Yeretzy, yelled)


But Yeretzy had yelled at the top of her lungs.


Alexander's hand unconsciously let go of the grip on his sword as he stood up straight looking at her in confusion.

"Leave...leave...let me be...happy...for once..." (Yeretzy, said)

This time she did not yell at him but looked at him with a pleading expression as if her voice became choked with desperation.

"...." (Alexander)

His mouth closed.

 He knew it well but couldn't help it.


"Yer-" (Alexander, said)

"LISTEN TO ME! DON'T MOVE! LEAVE!" (Yeretzy, yelled)

He tried to take a step forward but Yeretzy screamed once again at the top of her lungs with her eyes closed as if she were angry and upset.

Alexander's complexion had become hurt.

His body could not move but his hand at least wanted to reach for her however before he could get the chance to she had turned away from him and ran away from him.

Running in fear while her dirty hurt bare feet could take her running.

'I just want to disappear, I want to be free, I don't want to hurt anymore...I can't anymore' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I can't take it anymore....I can't take the pain, it hurts so much as if my soul and heart is breaking' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back...I can't go back only to be hurt, I can't...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

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