Chapter 22: Rupert's Warning

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***WARNING: This chapter contains humiliation, abuse, and violence.

***Alright Now Continuation Of  Chapter 22...

-A couple of minutes ago-


Door opening.


Door closing.


Yeretzy had entered her dark room and turned her head to turn on the lights in her room but the lights did not turn on.

" there broken" (Yeretzy, said)

She said with an exhausted tone adding more stress to her.


'Step, Step, Step'


'I'm going to have to tell the servants about the light... I really hope they don't think I'm more of a hindcare because of it' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


Yeretzy directed herself straight to the large windows where the moonlight shone and illuminated some parts of the room although it did not illuminate all parts of the room.

She stared at the moon in silence, as to gather all her thoughts but as fate had it she really couldn't ever go a day without trouble coming to her.


"Mmmm" (Yeretzy)

A larger cold raspy hand covered her mouth as the person's other hand wrapped his other hand in between her collarbone before getting to her chest.

She was so scared that someone had barged into her room to kill her or do something horrible thing to her that she tried to get out of their grasp as the person held her tighter giving her no chance to escape.

"Hello Princess Marabey " (Kercher, said)


"?!!" (Yeretzy)


Now there was no doubt.

She knew who exactly this man was.

Kercher, Rupert's henchman.

A man who tended to be involved in touring her by Rupert's order if he didn't do it himself.

He normally wore leather gloves but he was not tonight that was why she didn't recognize him.


Instantly her entire body began to shake and tremble in fright as sweat drops began to run all throughout her body.


Kercher's lips raised satisfied that Yeretzy had recognized him.

"It seems you recognize me easily" (Kercher, said)

"Then you know my master has sent me" (Kercher, said)


He released Yeretzy as he stayed behind her continuing to speak.

"His little sister has been behaving very badly lately, he heard you caused trouble at the floral party" (Kercher, said)

'Tremble, Tremble'

She knew what was about to happen, she didn't think the news would actually get to Rupert but here she was about to get punished for a mistake she hadn't committed thanks to Sierra.

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