Chapter 5: Lake Room

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-Inside Dameria's main hall entrance-

After a long boat ride, Yeretzy had finally arrived at the Dameria mansion.

A large one at that, a mansion whose colors consisted of a very dark grey, black, and dark brown.

It was definitely more of a darker atmosphere than her home back in Marabey.

The style was a mix of rustic and somehow dark academia.

She now stood in front of the main hall entrance in a light yellow with a light orange dress as her lilac purple eyes with a hint of candy pink looked straight at the line of ten maids on the left and the right as they stood outside of the long red velvet carpet to welcome her arrival.

In the center of this entrance hall, in the very front of the center stood two important characters of this novel.

The black-haired slick bun maid with dark brown eyes.

A woman old enough to be called a late mother, however, this person was no other than nanny Masha.

A very precious person to Ariella Von Dameria.

A white-haired twenty-three-year-old woman with white twirl curls the length of her waist.

Eyes that were a light grey with the lightest shade of blue just as clear as her brother's.

A face firm and elegant, so beautiful, just like an ice queen with such a serious expression.

"Welcome to the Dameria, residency" (Ariella, said)

A voice filled with elegance greeted her a couple of feet away.

'Wow...she's so beautiful' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"The servants have already taken your belongings where you would be staying so why don't you accompany me to a meal? You must be hungry." (Ariella, said)


Without a second thought of giving Yeretzy the opportunity to answer, she turned around and started to walk expecting Yeretzy to follow naturally as her nanny Masha sneaked a glare towards Yeretezy.


Yeretzy flinched at Masha's cold gaze.

After a few seconds, Yeretzy was about to take a step forward when  one of her four-legged nightmares came running toward her.

"Haa" (Luna)

A white big fluffy Samoyed dog came running toward her surpassing Ariella and Masha panting at her running full speed waging her fluffy tall happily.

"Luna?" (Ariella, asked)

Ariella called Luna startled however Luna the Samoyed did not listen as she kept running towards Yeretzy who had frozen at her sight turning pale.

"Haa" (Luna)

Luna was coming closer to Yeretzy.

'No, no, no, don't come any close please!' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Her face was turning pale as she covered her eyes in fright.

"Haa" (Luna)

Finally, Luna had launched herself toward Yeretzy standing on her back legs as she plalced her front two paws touching Yeretyz's dess.

"Woof" (Luna)

"Woof" (Luna)

Luna barked happily sticking her pink tongue out trying to lick her happily.

"Please move away, please move away" (Yeretzy, said)

Yeretzy's said with chocked up words as she shivered uncontrollably.

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