Chapter 12: Please Ignore

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, abuse, and sensitive content.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 12...

'Squirm, Squirm, Squirm'

The three baby worms squirmed trying to float on the toilet.

'Tremble, Tremble'

Yeretzy's eyes stared at the beige baby worms as her hands trembled holding the toilet seat at each end.

She didn't know how long she watched them as she trembled but she finally got up with a still processing face.

'Step, Step, Step, Step'

She walked slowly as if in a daze heading towards the soup bowl and the water.

'Step, Step'

Slowly walking.



She had stopped in front of the dresser and grabbed the soup bowl and the water.


She turned slowly to head back to the restroom with a still-processing face.

'Step, Step, Step, Step'

Slowly walking.

'Step, Step'

Slowly walking.


Stop walking.

She stopped in front of the toilet looking below with her soulless eyes.

'Plop, Plop, Plop, Plop,Plop, Plop'

Six more little beige baby worms fell along the soup of the bowl.

'....' (Yeretzy)

She stared at it for a while without no thought, it was as if she completely stopped thinking at all.

As if her body just unconsciously moved, not even the pain of her fever seemed to faze her.

'Tss, Tss, Tsss, Tss'

Her other hand unconsciously moved as she poured the water, clear white sand that seemed to blend in poured down alongside the water.

Yeretzy stood there only watching everything she had dumped down the toilet.

After the minutes she had stared silently her body unconsciously moved grabbing the handle to the toilet as it flushed down.


For some reason, the flush sound alongside the baby worms that flushed struggling down the toilet brought her back to her scenes.


Her knees felt weak as she quickly placed her once again trembling hands on each end of the toilet seat.

Now that the water was clear as she had flushed down everything a very disgusting feeling filled her.

"Blegh, Blegh, Blegh, Blegh!"

She began to throw up over and over as her arms continued to tremble uncontrollably.

Her once-forgotten fever pain had overtaken her as her throat began to burn her at how many times she threw up.

"Blegh, Blegh Blegh"

Her body could no longer throw up, her throat burned enough for her saliva to sting as she swallowed.

Her migraine became worse and her body heat temperature rose up.

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