Chapter 28: Sierra Has Been Poisoned

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, humiliation, and violence.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 28...

And not one second late Sierra had dropped to the ground coughing blood.

Everyone was in shock.

The ladies who were sitting near her got up in an instant and got away from her.

Even Ariella in this case stood there as if she was taken back in shock.

Except for one person.


Yeretzy had passed Ariella who displayed a shocked face on the way seeing Yeretzy running.

"Lady, please stay with us, don't lose your consciousness!" (Yeretzy, yelled)

Yeretzy grabbed Sierra as she yelled at her worried and trying not to panic.

 Sierra looked at Yeretzy with coughed-up blood on her and her dress with tears in her eyes.

"Ha....Ha...Ha.." (Sierra, breathed)

However, Sierra could not respond she was breathing very slowly and in pain.

Yeretzy's face panicked more as she gazed at her.

"AAAAHH!" (People Screaming)

"AAAHH!" (People screaming)

While in the background people began to yell however Yerezty still tried to remain calm.

"Lady Si-" (Yeretzy, said)

But before she could have a chance to speak to Sierra again someone grabbed her right shoulder with a very harsh grip.



'Terrifying cold glare'

"Don't touch her." (Alexander, said)

Alexander had thrown Yeretzy at a large distance as her botox had landed on the floor.

Alexander only turned his side face and glared at her so terrifying coldly as if his eyes no longer held any affection if anything they seemed furiously angry.


Yeretzy's eyes couldn't help to widen in shock as she unconsciously tried to stretch her gloved hand towards him but halted at his very cold tone.

"I don't want you here. Leave" (Alexander, said)

With those harsh ugly words, he turned his face away from her and cast a bright yellow magic circle above Sierra.

But because Yeretzy was in shock her body could not move.

Or perhaps it wasn't that she was scared it was because she couldn't believe Alexander had acted like this.

"TERRANCE!" (Alexander, yelled)

The last thing she heard from him was a loud furious yell to call Terrance as he took off carrying Sierra away.

Yeretzy looked down at the ground while Ariella watched Alexander take off with Sierra.


Ariella turned to look at Yeretzy's left cuffed sleeve and the bottom of her hem dress with a sweat drop.


She said nothing to her and turned around leaving catching up to Alexander.


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