Chapter 44: A Difficult Decision

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"There are three ingredients that would cure the poison from the Duchess" (Yeretzy, said)

"You need to collect one leaf of the Sasamora flower, two liquified blueberries, and a flower petal from the Perish flowers" (Yeretzy, said)

"Mix them for about 8 minutes out in a very cold place until it looks like an olive green color liquid substance" (Yeretzy, said)

"...." (Princess Danica)

Saying this should look like the culprit who did it if she had this kind of information and it should have Princess Danica surprised or alerted but she was completely calm and attentive which made Yeretzy more worried.

"I didn't do it, I's just that if I say then..." (Yeretzy, said)

"Then I will" (Princess Danica, said)

"What?" (Yeretzy, asked)

Only reassurance and assertiveness came out of Princess Danica's mouth confusing Yeretzy.

"I won't ask you who did it nor will I tell my brother who did it if it means protecting you for the time being "(Princess Danica, said)

"I know for a fact if it was the Dameria family who poisoned the Duchess you would not react this way so the other one should be the culprit, especially how afraid you look so thank you for being brave "(Princess Danica, said)

"I want you to know that I appreciate you doing the right thing so for you I will do it. I am the one who discovered the cure to the poison. I will make sure I make it believable that I was the one that found it "(Princess Danica, said)

"!!" (Yeretzy)

"No, you'll be in danger what if- "(Yeretzy, yelled)

She tried to stop her seeing how she had already made up her mind.

She appreciated that Princess Danica was willing to go that far for her but that was too dangerous.

"Hmph! Don't worry who would dare defy the imperial Princess! I'm always careful with my moves!" (Princess Danica, said)

But Princess Danica interrupted her confidently.


Eventually, they came to an agreement and discussed their plan while Yeretzy had confessed some more truths.

Princess Danica was truly one of a kind.

It would be a lie to say that instead of feeling safer she rather felt more scared because she was involving more innocent people.


So to change the mood Princess Danica confessed why she had gotten in trouble for three weeks and a half by her brother as they walked by the outside corridor heading to the garden.

"You know it might sound unworthy of a royal Princess to say but royalty is not for me" (Princess Danica, said)

She said with some sadness in her golden eyes as if she was locked up.

"My brother expects me to take over the throne after he steps down....but I don't want to so I rebled and he got very mad....I just don't want to stand on a throne and continue to be caged up in here" (Princess Danica, said)

"I want to travel the world, see different countries, I want to explore but my brother....says it's unfit for the next heir" (Princess Danica, said)

"Does that sound funny? A born royal giving up their place to travel the world?" (Princess Danica, asked)

Her tone sounded quite pitiful and yearning.

So Princess Danica was forced to remain in the palace sacrificing her heart for her duty.

She was a free spirit locked in.

That explained how suddenly her character would change from ladylike to excited ladylike.

There was sadness in her eyes and fear in her eyes that she would never get out.

Somehow it reminded her of her brother.

'Shake, Shake'

Shake head.

"Not at all, I think you actually remind me of my second brother "(Yeretzy, said)

"He's always wanted to travel the world and explore different countries" (Yeretzy, said)

"But our father prohibited him and restricted him anywhere near a boat afraid he'd take the next ship" (Yeretzy, said)

"Haha, that sounds just like me" (Princess Danica, said)

Yeretzy said to cheer her up actually drawing a very happy laugh out of her.

"Perhaps I should become your sister-in-law" (Princess Danica, said)

She cheerfully joked while Yeretzy agreed.


'Wave, Wave'

She had a good time with Princess Danica and Princess Tulip now it was time to go home.

She sat down on the comfortable carriage waving goodbye to them before looking down at the letter the Duke Kalbfleisch had written.


Finally, she opened it.

"Hello, my daughter I've been desperately trying to get a hold of you explaining why my wife and I had to depart so suddenly. We have not forgotten the promise we made for you there were things that have gotten in the way to get to you. My wife's condition has deteriorated with an unknown illness. Our territory and residence have been attacked causing conflicts on the border falling on some casualties. It appears that you have received no letters nor any news about us as it has been intercepted. I'm glad you have returned safely back. Please continue to be strong that's my wife's wish until we bring you and your brother in I desperately hope for my wife's recovery but if something were to happen to her please be prepared along with your brother to come with me. I bowed to protect the both of you, until soon-your future Dad" (Duke Kalbfleisch, written letter)


'Hold dearly'



She lifted the letter to her chest holding it deeply as she closed her eyes with teardrops falling from her eyes.

The Duke had already considered her part of his family.

He had considered her as his daughter than her own father really had.

It was a bittersweet feeling.

She was afraid to stand up but she had made the right choice.


-A few minutes before-

'Wave, Wave'

Princess Danica and Princess Tuilip waved Yeretzy goodbye seeing the carriage off.

'Drop down'

Princess Danica's hand dropped as soon as the carriage was off at a distance.


Her eyes closed slowly as her lips opened again with a gentle smile.

"Tulip, I have very important work to get done why don't you go bring your mommy your flowers?" (Princess Danica, asked)


'Nod, Nod'

"Yes, Mom needs flowers too!" (Princess Tulip, said)

The thought of giving her mom pretty flowers too excited her not understanding why Princess Danica said it.

'Wave, Wave'

"Bye, Bye gonna give mommy flowers" (Princess Tulip, said)

Princess Tulip waved to Princess Danica bye happily and excitedly running already inside the palace followed by some imperial knights trying to catch up to her leaving Princess Danica with the rest of the Knights at the entrance.

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