Chapter 23: Blamed

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*** WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, suicide talks, and death talks.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 23...

-Inside Palace imperial throne room-

For what reason were Alexander and Yeretzy summon you ask well it's quite...

"So what do you say Duchess Yeretzy?" (King Fred, asked)

The King asked with a bright smile on his face sitting on his throne chair while his queen sat on the right throne chair with a warm smile.

Princess Danica sitting on the third throne chair dropping any etiquette and waving like an excited child excited to see Yeretzy.

And Tulip sitting on the last throne chair with a shy expression but expectant eyes.

"Well..." (Yeretzy, said)

The reason why they were both summoned was one for the King's own befit to see his nephew and Yeretzy upon the Queen's request, Danica's suggestion, and Tulip's excitement.

Back at Alexander's birthday banquet, Yeretzy had given Alexander a gift even though the wooden dolls were already an item made, the fabric alteration and the lace down to each detail including the features of a person she had created quite a stir that she had not heard yet.

Part of it was because she had retired early for the banquet and she was in her room most of the time with no one to attend to her but when the King said that Danica and Tulip who had talked none stop about Yeretzy's skills added the rumors they were hoping Yeretzy could also make them customized dolls and make them a lace handkerchief for the Queen, Princess Danica, and Princess Tulip.

"Ah also...please can you add a lace tie for me I would love- " (King Fred, said)

The King also wanted his own request as he loved the lace she created.

So he tried to request shyly but Alexander interrupted him.

"My wife is not seamstress, that's why you have your own seamstress Your Majesty" (Alexander, said)

"Ha, you brat you how dare you speak to your uncle like that just because you want to be stingy and be the only one to receive a gift like that-" (King Fred, yelled)

The king pointed his finger at Alexander and began to bicker with Alexander like a child.


"Honey, your words. The kids are still here" (Queen, said)

She placed her hand to calm him down so as to pacify his childish acts.

The queen was already used to those whenever they faced each other it always ended with them bickering.


"Let's go ladies and let his majesty speak with young Duke Alexander-" (Queen, said)

She stood up since the King had to discuss some private matters with Alexander but before she could finish both Danica and Tulip stood like a spring and dashed down the stairs towards Yeretzy as Danica held the hem of her dress with her left hand and with her right hand grabbed Tulip's little hand to help her run faster.

"Yeretzy!" (Danica, yelled)



Getting close to Yeretzy both Danica and Tulip let go as Dancia grabbed Yerezy's light body to hug her and lifted her a little.

"Oh!" (Yeretzy, said)

Yeretzy let out a surprised sound.

"I told you to come and visit me any time" (Danica, said)

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