Chapter 30: Temple Call

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language and humiliation.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 30...

It had been five days since Sierra had been poisoned, and on this fifth day she had found herself humiliated by her father-in-law, harassed by the Dameria servants, had found out the murder of the former Duchess, and had been almost choked to death by Ariella, and to end with an icing on a cake half an hour she had received a letter to be summoned to the temple.

It was an invitation but she knew it was far from it.

It must come from the Archbishop himself.

She could not reject their summoning and worst of all her heart could not handle if she accidentally bumped into Alexander who had not stepped one foot since the poisoning attempt.

It was clear where he stood.

Yeretzy got on a carriage by herself as she looked out the window with a bitter expression.

No one even noticed when she left or clearly, she had told the Dameria knights if they could prepare a carriage.

They did not object when she showed the reason for her outing.

It was clear that they hated her and that they suspected that she would run away since it was her who poisoned Sierra they thought.

'All I could think is that Ruppert would do such a thing...everyone seems to like Sierra there is no way anyone would attempt to poison her unless they wanted for me to become the suspect I am already' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'But still, it brings me back to Ruppert, he and father have spies on the Sagieon temple it is most likely that the word got around of Alexander's treatment towards me he wanted to cause a rift' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


"Sigh" (Yeretzy, sighed)

Yeretzy closed her eyes as she sighed.

'At this point, I don't even know what to expect my husband hates me and everyone here...I don't expect nice words from the temple people either' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


'Click, Clack, Click'

Heeled walking.


Yeretzy had made her way to the temple outdoor halls in silence with an exhausted face of how much harder her life would soon ger however her step halted immediately.

"You can't speak like that Seth about the Madam" (Ruddy, said)

Suddenly a familiar voice was heard near a pillar.

A familiar voice that contained displeasure yet tried to remain polite.

This young voice was no other than Ruddy himself.

"Why? Shouldn't she be the reason why my sister almost died, how could you stand and defend that witch who tried to harm one of our own?" (Seth, asked)

"Unlike my sister, she doesn't belong here how can you different such a thing?" (Seth, asked)

And the hostile mocking voice of Seth.


She had been lucky that the pillar wall had covered her from sight.

Without thought she moved silently as her back touched the wall to try and hear their conversation.

A conversation that was about her.

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