Chapter 33: Awakened A Monster

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"Wow so this is where you got the berries" (Yeretzy, said)

Yeretzy said with a happy smile as she looked at the three bushes that had a variety of different berries on each bush placing them in her dress and cupping them up.

And of course, she was also happy due to the different friendly monsters that had approached her as they had gotten used to one another for the time she had spent here.

'I used to be afraid but they are so cute' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She thought with a happy expression.

'I wonder if the original Yeretzy had a power where she could communicate and attract monsters?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'If not was it due that I possessed it?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


She had looked around at the sheep monster, the fox bat monster, and other little monsters who were eating the berries she had given them.

'At least I know that the monsters are affectionate to me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)


It was getting dark and cloudy and the sheep monster and the fox monster had seemed to be exploring.

She had been exploring for days but only near the small cave or more like only a tiny space that covered her from the rain.

But this time they were further apart and it looked like it would start raining.

"Meff" (Sheep monster, talking)

"Proff" (Fox bat monster, talking)

They quickly responded to her.


Yeretzy thought as she walked looking down.

'I've lost track of time, I don't know how long I've been here....I wonder if my brother...was taken to the Kalbfleisch territory' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'He...belongs there...not like me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I wonder what am I thinking? How could Alexander be looking for me...after what happened with Sierra he wouldn't come and look for me all the way here' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

An image of Alexander's cold glare when he pushed her popped into ther mind.

'Besides he probably doesn't even know I'm missing he didn't even come home for five days straight it's clear he didn't want to see me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Look up'

When she looked up both the sheep monster and the fox bat monster looked at her with a warm smile.

"Perhaps I should just stay with you guys here" (Yeretzy, said)

"There is nowhere to return, no one wants me, I rather be here than be hurt" (Yeretzy, said)

"Mef" (Sheep monster, talked)

"Proff" (Fox bat monster, talked)

As if they had sensed her sadness they approached her and cuddled her as to hug her.

"Thank you" (Yeretzy, said)

Yeretzy said as she hugged them back.

'As much as I do want to stay...Ruppert will search for me I know it...I cannot count on the temple it's clear and even though at the moment I have not encountered dangerous monsters that doesn't mean I won't bump into any' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

This complicated moment only showered more worries on her mind.


Luckily they had managed to find a large dark cave nearby since the rain had caught up to them.

"It's so dark I can't see anything" (Yeretzy, said)

She tried to scrunch her eyes as if it was going to make it better to see.

But as soon as they approached more into the cave the darkness went away.

That was because stuck in the cave attached to the rock walls there was a large number of expensive jewels such as diamonds, rubies, gold, and other jewels attached as if it was a whole mural however before her sparkling eyes could remain something enormous had wrapped around her whole body.

'HUH?!' (Yeretzy's inner thogutsht)

"W-What is that?-" (Yeretzy, yelled)

Before she could realize it had already fully wrapped all over her.

A giant white, silver, light pink, and light blue mythical sea-looking dragon had raised above her sight still holding on to her.


"But Alexander that's the middle of the deepest forest that's also where the rumored Silver sea dragon is at-" (Terrance, said)

Terrence tried to indirectly say something but Alexander.

"I brought you here because I trust you but if you want to turn away" (Alexander, said)

Unlike his cold glares, he looked not just at Terrance but all the Paladins there with a face that made them feel pity and bad.

As if he was an abandoned dog.

"But if that's so then I don't need to further drag people that don't want to go "(Alexander, said)

Within seconds his expression regained his usual self as if he had decided to cut them off all turning around but before he could take a step toward the direction the hunting men one said.

'There are two prohibited restrictions, we have passed the first restriction but going into the middle of the deep forest that by all is violating the second restriction that could get you consequences with the royal family...that's if we make it out alive especially where the sea dragon in slumber is...perhaps I have gone mad but I'm not going to force them to come for the second restriction they've already accompanied me far's my fault and it's my wife I must go even if it means going alone' (Alexander's inner thoughts)

'I am not afraid, I'm afraid of never seeing her again that is what I fear' (Alexander's inner thoughts)

'She has to be there, it has to be her... every time there were recent monster sighting it was always with her as if she attracts them' (Alexander's inner thoughts)

He remembered the first night she arrived with the skull monster, the palace lake incident, and the floral party.



"Lord Alexander, I'll go with you! "(Ruddy, said)

Ruddy who also happened to be part of the Palladian group dashed in front of Alexander extending his hands as if to block him.

'Step, Step, Step'



And then a tall-looking bear appearance palladian also passed Alexander placing himself in front of Ruddy.


Ruff, Ruddy's older brother.

A replica of him except very tall and intimidating looking.

He was not much of a speaker.

"Alex, you know we are going with you, so don't make that face it's starting to make me feel guilty for no reason" (Terrance, said)

Even Terrance spoke up from the back along the paladins who nodded in agreement.

But as soon as they were coming to an agreement.

"GROWL!!" (Sea Dragon, growl)

A very very loud growl was heard.

A growl of a huge extreme beast and not far behind a very familiar yell.

"KYAAH!!" (Yeretzy, yelling)

Alexander's eyes widen so large at the recognition of that terrified yell.

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