Happy Birthday Ayato!!!!!

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Today is Ayato's first birthday since his release. Let's take a moment to wish him a happy birthday! ( BTW DID YOU GUYS SEE HIS BIRTHDAY ART? HE LOOKES MAJESTIC OMG LIKE WHAT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH) ( the art is that ↑)

*This story has nothing to do with the actual story.

It was a long time ago. It was Kamisato Ayato's birthday, and everyone in the Kamisato estate were celebrating. 

"Happy Birthday, big brother!" little Ayaka said happily to her brother, as she gave the birthday boy  present wrapped all in white. It contained of a home-made bracelet, meant to be put on Ayato's sword. It looked a little wompy, as if the person who made this had a hard time making this. 

Of course, Ayaka tried hard to secretly make it for him, and although it looked kinda weird, no one had the heart to disappoint or bring the little Ayaka to tears.

"Thank you, Ayaka. I will treasure this forever," Ayato smiled, hanging the keychain thingy on the handle of his sword. 

"Hey, Ayato! Happy birthday~" he heard one of his favorite voices in the whole world calling out to him. It was his best friend, Y/N.

Y/N gave a box wrapped in blue to Ayato, and laughed to him mischievously, "don't open it until you turn eighteen~" in which he couldn't help but frown, pout, and laugh at the same time. 

"Haha, don't worry, it's a joke, obviously," Y/N said friendlily, but Ayato couldn't help but try to tease her.

"No, I'll keep that promise, I won't open it until I turn 18," he said with a smirk, in which Y/N replied by rolling her eyes.

Cherry Blossoms were at its fullest, with some petals falling down. He felt as if he was the happiest person in the world, with a loving family, loyal servants, and someone he could trust and rely on.


Ayato sat on his bed, looking at the night sky from the window. Recollecting those memories twisted his heart, yet comforted him at the same time. The same day many years ago, he would have never imagined the tragedies to come.

He would give almost anything to go back to that time, and relive that experience. Most of what he cherished were gone now, but not all, and he had to protect it with all his might now that he felt the sadness of loss. 

As he kissed the present that he finally opened today after all those years given to him by Y/N, he shed some tears. He was way past 18, but he didn't have the courage to open the present, until today.

No one will know. After all, it's my birthday, after celebrating, they would let me alone to collect my thoughts.

At the same time in Sumeru, a girl was writing a birthday letter to her old friend, only to crush it into a ball and throw it at the trash can, regretting, and crying at what she had done.

I won't forget about the memories with you ( Kamaisato Ayato x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now