Chapter 13

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Day 1 of the midterms! 

-My mother said that she'll kill me and then take my phone away if I don't get all average in my midterm tests. I'll

-This means that I might put this thing on hiatus.

I had geology and literature(?) today, and failed a bit on geology, and 100% got under 30points in literature... I already know my fate, so why even try anymore? 

Day 2

Math - in the last thirty minutes I realized there was the back. I did not finish...

Japanese History- fifty minutes and so much questions. Answered maybe five. Definitely getting detention and a bad grade lmao *cries*

English- meh, not too bad but didn't finish the writing. It was creative writing, and I got too invested...

(this is the reason why I'm posting this today lmao)

Thanks for reading!


"Uhhh... So... Lustesia... where did you last see your sister?"

"sniff* I-I- saw her las-*hiccup* when we were at the stand fo-for Amurta... I was playing with the stars, and when I looked back, she-she wasn't there!" Lustesia answered you with much difficulty, as she was crying at the same time.

Lili, scratching her chin, suggested in a mysterious way, "perhaps we should look near the akademiya, then. There's a chance that she might still be near. What do you think, head detective?"

How did this happen? You decided to list what had happened in your mind. 

First, Lustesia came to me crying, saying that her big sister went missing, then, everyone started acting like detectives, and made me the "head detective" for some reason. ... Children are weird. 

Lustesia and Lupheri were sisters, and they were inseparable. It was strange, considering the fact that Lustesia was 8 while Lupheri was 14, but no one questioned how these two vastly different siblings got along anymore. Lustesia was the quiet, timid type of person with beauty that could compete with the  Shirasagi Himegimi herself when she was 8. 

On the other hand, Lupheri was the cool big sister, who now had a hobby of smash or passing random adventurers she saw in public. They were popular in their own ways, and almost every one either wanted to be friends with them or be their... you know, significant other.

The children were all arguing about where to look first. Some said the akademiya, others said bear the interdarshan championship stage, while one said the tavern where all the "good" guys drunk.

"Everyone, shut up for a second." You knew that in order to make children be quiet. You had to speak not with dainty and polite kind of words

" you guys are so so worried, I know, but Lupheri is like 14 years old. She can handle herself properly, I bet" you tried to calm them but it only gave the wrong effect. Everyone started shouting at you. NoNo!!! We need to find her!!!

When I was 14, I fought off abyss heralds and traveled through teyvat alone. What about her? Gone for few minutes, and people are stressing. Oof. I feel bad for Lupheri...

"... fine, everyone, I have a better idea. You go look for mahamatra Cyno and tell them I sent you all about Lupheri, while I go to the akademiya and fly around with the wind glider to see if I can spot her. Happy?" You asked, almost sarcastically. But they didn't understand, and cheered with all their might. 

"Yay! We knew the head detective would be useful!!!" The children cried, while a girl asked if she could still look for Lupheri at the bar. 

"Now, off you go. Bye bye and don't forget to NOT be scared of the mahamatra and laugh at his jokes just in case! Bye" as you quickly ran away, you cried at the little rescuers. After all, what is easier than listening to cyno's jokes? ( I actually laugh at them they are so funny)

I won't forget about the memories with you ( Kamaisato Ayato x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now