2nd march 2022, Monaco
I woke up because some maniac rung my doorbell nonstop. I got up and open the door to see Arthur, Charles and Pierre in front of me, all smiling like a five year old on Christmas eve.
"Do you have a death wish?! Did you looked at the time??? 4am. FOUR AM. What the fuck is wrong with you all?!" Instead of answering they all enter and directly go to my bedroom.
Charles takes my bags out there and they all start to.. to pack..? "What do you guys think you're doing?" Pierre was about to open the drawer with my underwear in "Pierre I dare you open that one and you won't life any longer."
He lifts his hands and looks terrified over to Arthur who just shrugs. Then Charles comes up to me "Get ready the plane takes off in two hours."
"What plane are you talking about?"
Now Pierre finds his voice again "That's a surprise my love".
I shake my head "All of you. out. now." They all give me the same questionable look "I have to change an pack give me twenty minutes.." they smile and leave my bedroom.
I get into something comfy and pack my bag. The boys only packed bikinis so I guess we will fly somewhere warm.. I pack everything else I could need and decide to take my camera with me to vlog.
I decide to start the vlog now to explain the situation "Hey guys. I didn't plan on making a vlog soon but here we are.. It's currently 4:20 am and I just got kicked out of my bed. Seems like I'm flying somewhere today. Let's hope it's worth getting kicked out the bed in the middle of the night."
I enter my living room where the boys are waiting and point the camera to them "Let me introduce you to my kidnappers.."
Charles laughs "You ready? We have to leave"
Pierre takes my luggage and takes my hand "C'mon my love the plain isn't waiting.. not even for you." I laugh as I start following them.
I speak to the camera again "I wish i could say that this is the first time that they kidnap me.. but it's not. One thing I learned over the years.. Pierre is the weakest. I just have to flirt a bit and he'll tell me everything I want to know." I tell Pierre who didn't hear anything that he has to smile in the camera before ending the vlog for now.
Arthur and Charles are sitting in the front and Pierre and I are in the back. We start driving to the airport and I place my hand on Pierres thigh and smile. He looks at me with a smirk on his face.
I get closer to him and lift one hand up to his cheek to pull his ear closer to me "How can you look that good even at this time of the day?" I ask him whispering in his ear.
He faces me and we're way too close. I feel his breath on my skin then he whispers in my ear "I know what you're doing mon amour".
I let my hand wander higher on his thigh but keep an innocent smile "Well does it work mon Chéri?"
He takes a deep breath "Don't start what you can't finish".
I giggle "Oh I can handle you no worries" I let my hand wander to his belt while I softly press my lips on his neck. "All you have to do is telling me where we are going.. And I promise I'll show you how good I can handle you." I accent the "you" while I grab his thigh.
He looks at me with flattering eyes and I see his breath going faster. I give him another innocent smile and don't break our eye kontakt.
Suddenly he looks up to Charles "I think it's my turn to drive now!!"
Charles laughs knowing damn well what just happend "Mate just keep you shit together. As if you can't just keep you mouth shut."
Pierre avoids my gaze and I see that he's getting nervous so I let my hand wander from his thigh under his shirt. I let my hand slide over his abs and bring my lips back to his neck almost touching it. "Pierre.." I whisper while my lips softly touch his neck "Please..".

paper rings
Romance"Home is where the heart is" - that's always been true, at least until the year 2017. My life turned upside down when I didn't only lost my mom but also my best friends too. The move to Monaco.. a fresh start or a big mistake? Leaving my life in...