5th July 2022, Spielberg
After our gym session I hurry back to my room and take a shower. I put on some fresh clothes and put my hair up in a messy bun. I grab some snacks that I brought with me and head back to Charles room.
He lets me in almost immediately and we order a huge ton of food. We sit down on his bed and watch our series on Netflix. It's nothing special but I love every second with him.
The food arrives and Charles opens the door. He brings the food over to the bed and smiles. "What is it?" I ask him with a questioning look.
"I missed this, us."
I nod "Yeah feels weird to not spend every day with you."
He chuckles "But you seem happy with him."
"He said we're just friends.." I shrug "I don't know what I'm supposed to think at this point.. We have those moments-"
"Oh I saw" He smirks.
"Yeah but that's it. The next second he calls me his friend or is acting like he's jealous. Actually nothing he says or does makes sense to me." I chuckle.
"Did you try to ask him what he wants?"
I shake my head "I don't even know it myself so I can't expect anything from him either.."
He smiles slightly before he takes another bite of the fries he ordered. "You have enough time to figure everything out. But when I look at you two you're on the same page."
"Maybe.. yeah." I smile and steal one of his fries.
"Don't you dare! You might be my best friend but not when it comes to my food."
"You should be nicer to me or I'll call a certain someone who is going to make you work for every single one you eat..." I smirk.
He hesitates for a second before he sighs "That's unfair." he hands me over more fries and I take them happily.
"Mmmmh delicious.."
He laughs "Asshole". I blow him a kiss and laugh.
"Tell me how is it going with your love life..? Anything with potential in sight?" I ask smiling and he hesitates a second. "Oh my god. Tell me her name!!"
He chuckles and shrugs "It's nothing official or even serious.."
"So what?? I want to know anyways!?"
He sighs "There is this girl I've been texting with.. But I don't know."
"Did you already meet her?"
"Well I asked for her number so yeah.."
"Charlie don't make me beg for all the details and spill the story."
He smiles "Okay.. Soo remember that night we went out for dinner with the fam and headed to the movies afterwards?"
I nod and smile "Sure it's been a while but yeah."
"Do you also remember that I told you guys to go ahead..?"
I smile bright "Yeeeeeessss???"
"Well I asked for her number that night."
"Who was she?" I ask exited. He hesitates "C'mon I won't judge or anything"
"She sat on the table next to us, the blonde girl with this beautiful laugh.."
"Oh my- She was such a cutie!" I clap exited.
He chuckles "Yeah she is. At first I thought she wouldn't answer because she left me on read for what felt like forever but she eventually answered a few days later."

paper rings
Romance"Home is where the heart is" - that's always been true, at least until the year 2017. My life turned upside down when I didn't only lost my mom but also my best friends too. The move to Monaco.. a fresh start or a big mistake? Leaving my life in...