30th June 2022, London
Lando's povI wake up from my alarm and feel something warm on my chest. I slowly open my eyes and see vic. She's laying in my arms.
Yeah. I really don't want to get up.
I stroke her hair and she starts waking up with a smile on her lips.
After our dinner yesterday we just binge watched some series on Netflix and fell asleep.
She is now awake and smiles up to me "good morning pillow" she says in a sleepy voice.
I laugh "pillow. I like that" I give her a wink and she sits straight up. "So will you join me on track today or will you stay here?" I ask her.
A very huge part of her hoping she would come with me...
"I would love to but I have to catch up on some uni stuff. I have an exam next Tuesday and it's worth half my grade.."
"Half? That's a lot. Glad I don't have to do this"
"Well you've never been the one to study. I know that, so did the teachers when we gave them almost the same exam sheets back" She says laughing.
True she really saved my non-academic ass. "And I will be forever grateful" I answer as I get out of the bed.
"When are you leaving the house?" She asks cuddling back into the blanket.
"In about an hour why?"
She smiles "a beauty needs her sleep.. can you wake me before you leave..?"
I laugh "of course."
I get ready and leave the room afterwards. I make myself some light breakfast and prepare everything for Vic's breakfast.
One of my PR managers send me the plan for today.
God how I hate media day.
Once I'm done with everything I quickly clean up after me and rush upstairs to wake vic up.
How is it possible that someone can look that beautiful even when they're asleep?
I sit down next to her on the bed and stroke her hair.
Again. My T-shirt...
She smiles with her eyes closed "if you keep doing that I'll never get up.."
"Oh I don't mind missing media day"
Now she opens her eyes, looking straight into mine "doesn't that cost you multiple thousand dollars?"
I shrug. I would give all my money to stay here. With her.
She laughs and gets up. "I don't think I'll ever get used to how rich you all are."
"Oh c'mon you're not better."
"Hey! It's my dad's money, not mine. I will walk around and show everyone I'm rich when I've earned it myself. And I don't even think I'll do it then. I don't like showing off.. the only things I do like tho are..."
"...handbags and shoes" I finish her sentence.
She smiles brightly "guilty pleasure"
She gets out of bed, my T-shirt looks like a dress on her.
... she he even wearing anything unter it..?

paper rings
Romance"Home is where the heart is" - that's always been true, at least until the year 2017. My life turned upside down when I didn't only lost my mom but also my best friends too. The move to Monaco.. a fresh start or a big mistake? Leaving my life in...