I get back to the boys and enjoy some drinks. By time I'm pretty tipsy and feel very comfortable with most of them. Most of the night I ignore him very successful.
I took some shots with Max and Pierre but afterwards I had to sit down back in our vip area because the alcohol hits different right now.
I close my eyes and let my head rest against the back of the couch as I feel someone sits down next to me.
I open my eyes and look to my left as I see him sitting next to me. I don't know what to do or what to say "hey..?" Is the only thing coming out of my mouth.
He looks at me. Fuck. He looks absolutely perfect. I haven't seen him for a few years now and he definitely had a fucking hell of a glow up.
But his eyes. They are still the same. I stare at him unable to look away from those beautiful blue green eyes I used to love so much and probably still do.
We both stare at each other without saying anything. I don't know what I'm feeling right now except from pure chaos.
On the one hand I want to hug him so badly because I missed him so fucking much. But on the other hand I'm so mad at him..
He breaks the silence after a good few minutes of staring "What are you doing here?".
I look at him confused "In a public club?".
"No. With that little boyfriend of yours. Why are you in the fucking paddock?!" He asks annoyed but not breaking the eye contact.
I laugh at him "I don't know what you're talking about Lando." As his name rolls over my lips I see him frowning a bit.. i never called him by his name.. "I have every right to be here."
"The fuck you have."
"Choose your next words wisely"
He laughs "you're sleeping around with all the drivers. Does that really makes you think you have a purpose to be here.?"
"What the hell? Who am I sleeping around with?"
He laughs "Charles, Carlos, Pierre, Max. Did I forget anyone?"
I start laughing out loud "don't be ridiculous" He clenched his jaw and is still staring right in my eyes.
"Luckily the weekend is over" he starts "then I don't have to see you again.". I laugh again. Oh little did he know...
"Whatever helps you sleep at night mate" I say while he keeps staring at me.
"You're disgusting. I thought you would've made something out of yourself by now but as I see.. still a gold digging bitch. Your mom would be disappointed."
My jaw drops. He did not just say that. I try to fight it but my eyes immediately tear up. Who is he to bring my mom into this? Talking to me like that is bad enough.. but my mom..?
I'm so shocked that I don't realise that the tears start rolling down my face now. Suddenly I feel Charles presence next to me. He pulls me away from Lando and into his arms.
I feel how tense he is. "What the fuck did you do to her i swear if you-" he starts but stops as lando starts laughing and getting up.
Just as Charles wanted to continue I put my hand on his chest to calm him down a bit. I give him a slight smile then I wipe the tears off my face and turn around to face Lando.
"Who the fuck are you.. what did you do to my muppet..?" His face expressions soften as I say the nickname I used to call him. "I don't recognise you anymore.." I add shaking my head.
He was just about to say something but I cut him off "I don't want to hear it.. it won't be nice so just keep it to yourself.".
I turn to Charles and ask if we can leave. He nods and puts his arm around my waist to lead me out of the club. His gaze is stuck at Lando as we walk past him and I can feel how he tries to stay calm for my sake.
Lando laughs "whore".
That's when Charles lets go of me and sprints back to Lando holding him by his shirt "Repeat that."
Lando looks right into Charles eyes and spells it out for him "w-h-o-r-e".
Everything happens so fast that I don't even realise what's going on as I see Charles hand making a fist. He was about to throw a punch right into Landos face as he got pulled back by Carlos. I was unable to move.
"What the hell are you doing mate?!" Carlos asks Charles while holding him away from Lando.
"He- he just called her a-" Charles started but i interrupt him by pulling him by his arm back to me.
I knew Lando and Carlos where close and somehow I didn't wanted Carlos to be mad at him.
I'm still holding on to Chalres arm as I look up to him "Please.. can we just go?". He looks back at a confused Carlos and at Lando who lost every bit of colour in his face.
"You sure..?" He asks.
I nod and he places a kiss on top of my head. Then we head outside and drive back to the hotel.
We didn't talked the whole ride back but I was thankful for that I really needed to sort my shit out. Charles brought me up to his room and gave me some of his clothes "lets get changed and into bed alright." He asks with a tired smile.
I get changed and join him in his bed. He pulled me close so that my head rested on his chest.
"Today or tomorrow?" He asks me.
"Tomorrow." I answer. He knows I usually need some time to get my head back straight after something happens so I'm more then grateful for not having to talk right now.
Even the next morning Charles didn't pressured me to talk but I told him everything about the conversation I had with Lando. To say he was furious was an understatement.

paper rings
Romance"Home is where the heart is" - that's always been true, at least until the year 2017. My life turned upside down when I didn't only lost my mom but also my best friends too. The move to Monaco.. a fresh start or a big mistake? Leaving my life in...