5th July 2022, Spielberg
I arrived yesterday with Lando. The road trip really was a lot of fun, including loads of food breaks and multiple Karaoke sessions. I just had breakfast with him outside the hotel.
„So any plans for today?" Lando asks curious.
„Yeah I'm meeting up with Charlie."
„Oh cool." he says quickly and I nod. „What are you guys doing?" he asks a few seconds later.
„Uhm no clue. Probably just continuing where we left off with our series. And gossip sessions obviously."
„Ah cool."
I try to hide my laugh „And what about you?"
„Oh I don't know yet, maybe some Golf with Carlos somewhere."
„That sounds like fun."
„I would invite you to tag along but you're already busy i guess."
I giggle „I've never played Golf before so I think I'll be fine."
„If you say so."
I shake my head and smile „You can't be jealous or whatever because I'm spending time with Charles. I basically stood him up for you the whole last week. He is my best friend."
„I am your best friend."
Best friends.. good to know..
„That's what you call us?"
„Yes. You've always been my best friend and you'll always be."
I smile slightly "good to know.. I thought you forgot about me the past years"
"I couldn't forget you even if I try"
"You tried didn't you?"
"Multiple times.."
No one of us said anything. I knew I hurt him but hearing that he tried to forget me broke something in me.
Lando stops and looks at me "I hate it when you're that quiet" I just smile slightly. "We might had some troubles the last years but that makes me even happier that I have you back in my life."
I don't answer, instead I close the gap between us and pull him into a hug. "Me too.." I whisper against his chest.
We remain like that for a bit before he loosens the grip. "I hate sharing tho." He says smiling slightly.
I laugh "cry then."
"Charles is my closest friend. We helped each other through the worst losses of our lives. He will always be there. He is my person."
Lando's smile fades but he nods "I'm glad you found each other. He's a good guy."
I smile "He really is."
We drift off to different topics and keep up our conversation till we reach the hotel. We say our goodbyes and I go straight to my room. After a (always) much needed nap I see a missed call from Charles and call him back, he immediately picks up.
"Hey Charlie, what's up?"
"You want to head to the hotel gym for a workout?"
"Urgh Spooooort?"
"I know you probably just had a nap but yes, sport" I hesitate and he continues "c'mon Mon Soleil I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. I promise I'll order as much food from the room service as possible after that so we can binge watch our series."

paper rings
Romance"Home is where the heart is" - that's always been true, at least until the year 2017. My life turned upside down when I didn't only lost my mom but also my best friends too. The move to Monaco.. a fresh start or a big mistake? Leaving my life in...