"I'll break every single bone of yours"

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Suddenly I feel someone's arms around me and my heart rate starts to slow down again.

"It's gonna be ok.." I hear a male voice saying. I'm still not able to stop crying but my breath steadies again. I feel a stroke over my hair. Even tho I don't know who it is I feel safe.. a weird well known feeling from the past.

"Vic can you talk to me please?"

I finally look up and he wipes my tears away.

I freeze.

It's Lando.

Literally the reason why I have this breakdown... and now he's sitting here unaware of what happend, comforting me.

Dear god if that's a bad dream I'm begging you to wake me up!! It's not funny mate!

"Vic? What happend..? Are you okay..??" He asks, his eyes full of worry.

Before i was even close to progress what's happening right now i see Charles running up to us pulling Lando away from me.

what is going on here..? I should've just stayed at the hotel...

A short look at me is enough for Charles to be fuming. He pulls Lando up to him by his shirt "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!!" He screams in Lando's face.

Lando tried to push Charles off him but Charles grip tightens even more. I tried to say something but the words don't leave my mouth.

"LANDO?!! Tell me why she's crying like that or I'll break every single bone of yours. I promise!" His voice trembles full of anger.

"I found her like this!! You fucking-" he interrupts himself "I tried to comfort her i don't know what happend! I would never hurt her like that!"

"Wouldn't be the first time now would it ?" Charles spits back in Lando's face.

"Are you fucking serious right now?!" The tension between them rises second by second and my tears stream off my face once again.

Hell i didn't know I could cry that much.

They keep arguing, throwing insults at each other, mostly Charles at Lando about how much he hurt me I think. I couldn't follow their fight, my ears were shut. The situation between them was about to escalate but luckily carlos pulled Lando away and Pierre pulled charles away before they could throw the first punch.

Before I knew I'm in Max's [V] arms. Where the hell does he come from now?? I like Max. Really he's handsome and cute but right now everything becomes too much.

I release myself out of the hug and wipe my tears away. My eyes immediately fell on charles and he runs towards me embracing me in a tight hug.


This is what I needed.

"Please tell me you're okay mon soleil.." he whispers in my ear his voice still shaking full of anger and worry.

"I am now." We remain like that for quiet some time before I separate myself from Charles "can we leave.. please.. I'm exhausted. I want to sleep."

He immediately nods and he takes my hand. That's when I see Carlos with his arm around Lando's shoulder, Landos hands hiding his face. It almost looks like he's comforting him. Is he alright..?

Perfect now I'm worrying about him.

I give carlos a short smile. Lando looks up, his eyes red and tears falling from his eyes.

What did I miss...?

Before I could walk over to them Charles pulls me with him to the cab. We arrive at the hotel and as soon as I changed I slipped under the blanket next to Charles and immediately fall asleep.

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