Chapter 7

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"You broke up with her?" Maria exclaims. 

"Yeah," Danny says, walking around the corner. 

Maria follows him. "Why did you do that? Was it over Sunday? She probably would have come around to you doing the operation,"

Danny stops walking and turns to her. "She doesnt respect that my job is one of the most important things in my life,"

"Said like a true workaholic," Maria retorts. 

"Anyways im doing the operation now," Danny says. 

"But what did it cost?" Maria says gently. 

"Maria why do you care?" he asks. 

"Because you liked her and you shouldnt give up because of a stumble," 

He steps back to his desk and they sit down. 

Danny works away and Maria glances at him. He looks tired and Maria thinks the breakup has taken its toll. She starts to review the operation file, as its scheduled for the day after tomorrow. 

Danny and Maria wait with all the police officers in a place just outside the pier. The operation is clear. Wait for the transaction, storm in, capture, and if they pull a gun, shoot them. All has to be done within 10 minutes, so the ring of police officers will send shots in to clear the area. The police officers are in plain clothes and there is more around outside the pier. The aim is to stop drug dealing in that particular area, as the drugs are spilling into the neighbourhoods nearby.

Maria shivers, burrowing into her coat. Danny looks around at the team. He and Maria are the leaders. If anyone doesnt come back, its on them. The order is once its been 9 minutes, get clear and run out. The radio in Dannys hand clicks on. 

"Reagan, approximately 5 minutes till start. Make your way to the entrance in four minutes. Good luck,"

"Thanks," he says back. 

Maria straightens up. All the police officers check their guns. 

"Ready Baez?" Danny asks. 

She nods. "Ready Reagan?"

He nods, smiling. "Good luck,"

He turns facing the police officers. "Were gonna start making our way over soon. You all have everything you need? Remember, once your watch vibrates, clear your pathway and get out as quick as you can. Ambulances will be there as soon as youre out. Protect your friends and help each other." 

Danny and Maria walk out. The twenty police pour out of the building. Danny and Maria stand by, counting them. Once theyre all put and scatering around to enter the site, Danny and Maria walk towards the pier. 

Their watches vibrate as soon as they are near, signaling the start of the operation. Maria throws off her coat and after wishing Danny good luck, runs off to another entrance, drawing her gun as she runs. Danny throws off his coat too and races into the pier. 

Its chaos, police officers in disguise shooting the gang members and being shot back. The gang members were in the middle of a transaction and caught off guard. 

Danny races through the fray, taking shots. 

Maria is perched on top of a shipping container with three digiused police officers, taking out the gang members one by one. She sees Danny running through the fight and people taking shots at him. She hits his attackers and he escapes to the other side of the pier, where the gang members are holding up a fight. This side of the pier is mostly under police control. Maria slips off the shipping container and sprints to the other side. This side is wilder, shots riocheching off crates. Four pf the police officers are taking cover behind a car. Danny is running and shooting, taking guys down at evey turn. 

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