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Rain poured down heavily, knocking hard against the roof as the tuk tuk stopped in front of the police station,

Descending down from it was a person clad in office attire; black formal shoes, beige pants, brown belt and a sky blue button up with an office bag slung across his torso as he opened an umbrella over himself,

The ring on his left hand glistening a little brighter from the reflecting lights of traffic,

He tilted back the umbrella once he stepped out and straightened, revealing his damp hair stuck to his creased forehead, the slightest knit of brows on his fair face and the pressed line of his pouty lips,

Getting a deja vu from the night of his marriage as he gazed at the flickering lights of the police station board.


"D— dad?"

A fair man stood in front of the older man, who sat with his head in his hand, worry a permanent feature on his wrinkling face now.

"Did you... Hear from him?"

The older man, cladded with formal clothing, nodded, seemingly too tired from his demeanor.

For the past year he's taken care of the person he now referred to as dad, he knew his health was going to deteriorate if he didn't eat and take medicine right now,

So the fair man, dressed all neat and handsome, in traditional Thai clothing with the remnant flowers of today's ceremony laying on the sofa next to the older man, dashed towards the kitchen.

He knew what to feed the man and frankly... He knew this would happen...

Regardless, he had prepared food and had stored it in the fridge beforehand.

The man worked quick in the kitchen, reheating the food in microwave as he took out the plate and dished it out,

He placed the food on the table as he came over to the man then, "Dad, I have reheated food for you, please come and eat."

The man snapped up his grey eyes at him, appalled and ashamed, "What... Son... You just got married a few hours ago..."

And the groom could only stretch his lips at him sadly, "It's okay, dad."

He offered the man his help to get up as the man immediately didn't comply,

"But, but, what about you? You're eating with me right? I'll set the table up you go and change—"

"Dad," The man's shame grew as he dared to meet the younger's eyes apologetically,

"I have settled everything and okay, I'll eat with you,"

Tears welled up in the man's eyes as he immediately hid them, bowing his head and grabbing onto the younger's hands tight,

The strong young man, now his son in law, took him to the table, helped him sit down, placed a napkin on him and put the plate full of reheated food in front of him as he filled a glass of water and placed it beside,

The man then darted back as the older waited for him, the younger reappearing soon, a small shot glass holding the medication, he placed beside the bigger tumbler before he actually sat down,

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