Chapter Three

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide attempt.


Khun: Formal and polite of mentioning someone in Thai, be it known or unknown.


"To Suvarnabhumi airport?"

The taxi driver nodded, "Okay krub, hop in."

Tay already took for the other side by the time New reached for the handle of the door,

Sitting in the cab almost simultaneously, New looked up at the rear view while putting seatbelt on when the driver politely asked,

"Khun, please wear your seatbelt otherwise I cannot start driving."

Clicking the seatbelt in it's place New then turned to Tay who put on the said safety precautions with the speed of a turtle while muttering curses under his breath as New met the driver's gaze from the rear view and mouthed an apology.

Shaking his head in slight exasperation, the man hit the paddle as soon the comfort of the silent car ride embraced Tay warmly in it,

There was just something about silent car rides especially in the night, they were just so soothing, just so soul healing,

To the point where the moving scene from the car's window made one forget about everything and just transport to a world different than this one,

Tay laid his head back against the headrest as he blindly gazed at the moving road, passing lights and disappearing walls and trees,

Midst the calmness, he saw a cafe pass by as he blinked, a memory resurfacing without his will,


"I pity your dad, Tay."

He'd found himself back in the cafe near his house, when his friend had come to visit his family all the way from Tokyo,

"How unlucky he is to have a son like you who can't even fulfill one of his requests—"

"He's forcing me," Tay had snapped at him, feeling angry that people speak without even knowing the full context,

"To hell with your excuses." Tay's eyes had almost bulged as the other had continued, not letting Tay speak,

"You say he's forcing you but have you even tried looking beyond that? Have you ever tried thinking why he is forcing you?"

The man had calmly kept countering him, his body posture exuding the aura of a sophisticated and well accomplished man,

"That man who you call your father spent his entire life working his ass off to provide for you, just wanting you to be happy and nothing else and you?

"Instead of letting the past go and moving on, just for the sake of your ageing father, or to at least show him that you're happy to put him at ease, you just recklessly keep giving him more and more things to worry about!

"Do you know what's happened to him? Do you know he's taking blood pressure medication these days? And do you even care to ask him how he's doing these days, let alone buy him medicines? No.

"It's a shame that all this information I got was from neighbors and not from uncle Luang's own son, who couldn't care any less about him!"

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