1 - Final Selection & Spider Demons

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I stood infront of the masters children at final selection, my katana resting in its sheath on my belt. I looked around at the competition, a nervous yellow haired boy, a kid with a boar head, oh there's Genya :D and a red haired boy with hanafuda earrings.

"Hey Genya!"

"Sup Uzui."

"Do not!"

"I'm just messing with you y/n."

We were sent into the forest and I didn't stop running. I sliced through the necks of demons like butter. I noticed the red hair boy trying to talk to the demons.


"They're not gonna talk to you!" I yelled at him to get him to shut up before cutting through the demons head. I walked past the kid without looking at him.

"Thought I'd save you the trouble." I kept walking and heard screams in the distance.I bolted to the sound and saw the red hair guy protecting a black haired kid from a massive hand demon. I inhaled deeply and took my stance, gripping my sword handle.

"Light breathing, first form, laser burn!" I jumped and watched as the tip of my sword connected a red laser beam to the ideal point of contact on the demons neck. I launched myself forward and sliced the demon's neck clean off. I started to walk away when the red haired boy walked up to me.

"You're not even gonna pray for it?" He asked me grabbing my shoulder.

"Why should I, it doesn't deserve it." I brushed his hand off and kept walking.

I made it to the exit and was prepared to start my journey as a demon slayer.

3 weeks later

I woke up to the sun shining through shoji doors. I threw on my demon slayer uniform and hoari and walked through the sound mansion to our dining room. I saw Hinatsuru kneeling at our table.

"Morning Mother." I said rubbing my eye.

"Good morning sweetheart!"

"Where are the others?"

"Your father's at a hashira meeting and the rest are asleep"

"Of course where else would he be?" 

Hinatsuru was the mother that actually gave birth to me so I've developed most of her attributes. My annoying ass crow landed on my shoulder and started screeching in my ear.

"Go with Tomioka and Kocho! South east!"

"K I get it jeez!" I shooed the crow away. "Guess I'll see you later Mother."

"Wait!" She stood up and gave me a small pouch.

"I put some onigiri in there. Love you bye." She kissed my forehead and I set off to find Shinobu.(Kanao isn't a part of this)

We made our way to a mountain forest where the demons were said to be.

"So how have you been Y/n?" Shinobu asked trying to ease the growing tension.

"Yeah I've been good, Uzui is as loud as ever."

"That make sense. There's Tomioka."

I headed off to where I could hear the demons. I inherited my sense of hearing from my father.

"Light breathing, fifth form, light speed" I whispered and began running at the speed of light. I came face to face with what looked like a pale teenage boy with red markings on his face.

"Well hello there beautiful." The demon said balancing on threads. I scoffed at his remark and readied my stance.

"No need to be so aggressive now."

"6th form, refraction!"

"What is this!?" The demon said trying to maintain his balance. I leapt towards his neck but he managed to dodge my attack.

"SHIT!" I yelled as I plummeted to the floor.

"Nice try." I heard the sounds of another demon.

"5th form, light speed." I sprinted to the other demon and saw thousands of cocoon like balls hanging from trees. I saw a girl with the same markings as the previous demon.

"Sup." I said to the girl, she turned around and looked at me. "D'you make all these?" I spun my finger above my head as to point to the cocoons.

"How many?"

"I swear I've only eaten 5 or 6 humans!"

"Lies." I got close to her. "I can tell you've eaten more, way more, I can hear the tormented souls of the demon slayers you've eaten, plus I saw a shit ton more of those things" She started stammering before gaining her composure and she shot some kind of web material, I was able to dodge it.

"Damn and I was starting to like you. Light breathing, 3rd form, sun strike!" I had barely grazed her neck when she started burning.

"Ah-Ah-Ah he-lp " She started choking on the burns as they reached her throat. I left the demon to burn and ran to the next sound I heard. I saw a little girl with bamboo over her mouth. The same boy from final selection was talking to the girl.

"Run Nezuko!"

I ran to him and knocked him out by slamming my heel on his head.

"What have I told you about talking to demons!" I chased after this 'Nezuko' and almost sliced her head but she shapeshifted into a child.

"What the?" She kept running in child form and I kept swinging my sword but she kept dodging it. "COME BACK HERE!"

My crow started circling my head as Nezuko sat on the ground.


"You're Nezuko?" She nodded and stood up returning to full size, she was only a little shorter than me.

"Why couldn't I inherit my dad's height?" Despite her being a demon I felt some sort of pity for her, her heart had a different sound, it was pure and kind and there was no souls surrounding her. She hadn't eaten anyone.

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