20 - Katsuro Uzui and a real life nightmare

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I listened, I couldn't hear any souls tormenting him. He hadn't eaten anyone? That's impossible. I mean Nezuko did it but Tanjiro stopped her right when she became a demon, Katsuro's been a demon for 11 years. How has he aged? Did he do it manually?

"Look lady I don't know who the fuck I am but my name Shirazuni."

"No, your name is Katsuro Uzui."

"No the fuck it isn't! Who the fuck is Katsuro Uzui? That's a stupid fucking name."

Oh yeah this is definitely my brother.

A tear fell down my face as my hands started shaking. 

"Ok why are you crying, I thought you were supposed to be a badass or something."

I closed my eyes as I lunged at him. I swung my cleaver by the chain towards his neck but I missed. 

"Damn you really aren't good at this."

"Shut up JUST SHUT UP!" I yelled through my tears.

"Why should I? I'm having fun."

"Light breathing, 8th form, moonlit dance."

Katsuro was sent into a short trance and I took the opportunity to strike but he broke out of it almost immediately. He held his hand out and my sword came into contact with it. The contact rattled my spine and it felt like my brain was shaking. His hand was almost like steel, no titanium. 


"Ew that's disgusting." He replied.


"No I haven't, I'm a vegan. Lord Muzan respects that."


"Oh my dear friend, I'm a demon, not a monster."

My grip on my weapons softened.

"Do you- do you remember me?"

"Haha, yeah no. But if I have lost my memory, which is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There might be a way you can bring them back." I wanted him to remember me but I didn't want him to trick me and then kill me."Take my hand."

He held out his hand to me and I took it with no other option.

"Katsuro can we outside?" I asked  my older brother.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and grabbed his wrist as we ran outside. "Woah slow down Y/n, you know I can't keep up with you."

I laughed as I saw a glowing purple light in the distance.

"Woah... what's that?"

"That's wisteria. Dad said it keeps us safe from the demons he kills."


I ran into the glowing wisteria and Katsuro followed me. Katsuro picked a few flowers and looped them together. He placed the crown on my head making me giggle. I saw the edge of the forest and headed towards it.

"Y/n come back. Dad said we're not allowed to go passed it."

I didn't listen. Well I couldn't really hear him, it was like someone was pulling me out. Katsuro chased after me and caught up to me just as we made it to the other side. 

"Y/n let's go back, it's dangerous out here."

I was frozen in fear. I saw someone only 10 metres away from me. Katsuro turned around and stood in front of me to protect me from the monster. The fancy suit, the fedora had. Muzan Kibutsuji. 

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