7 - 50 feet high and The Basketball demon

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With one final struggle a tentacle launched me sky high. 



I kept hurling towards the sky and began falling to the ground. I used Saturn's Rings to slow my descent but I just kept falling.


I kept hurling to my doom when I landed perfectly into someone's arms.

"Hi Kyojuro..." I said as I looked up at my uncle.

"How high was that fall?!" He asked me with his signature smile.

"50ft give or take."

"New record!"

I got down and saw Tanjiro bleeding on the ground.

"TANJIRO!" I knelt down beside him. "Are you...?" 

"I'm fine, I stopped the bleeding."

A loud BANG shook the ground. I whipped my head around to a cloud of smoke, a pair of eery yellow eyes glowed through the obscure mist. The smoke cleared and I saw the engravings on his eyes. Upper moon 3. This was the upper moon three! The third ranked in the twelve Kizuki. Of course my only thought was.

"He looks like a basketball..." I whispered to myself. He went to attack Tanjiro who was still wounded but Kyojuro sliced his arm right down the middle. The upper moon jumped back and regenerated his arm, licking the blood off his wrist. 

"That's a fine sword."

"Why would you go after the wounded person first over me?"

"I thought he'd get in the way of our little chit chat is all."

"What is it you'd like to discuss? While this is our first time meeting, I already dislike you." 

Damn Kyo, no remorse.

"Is that right?" The demon said tilting his head up to Kyojuro. "Well I dislike weak human beings. The mere sight of them makes my skin crawl."

"If that is the case, I do not believe we will ever get along."

"Be it as it may but let me make you an offer, why don't you become a demon?" My eyes widened as my hands shook towards my sword's hilt. Scenes flashed before my eyes, when Katsuro got turned and attacked me.

"No thanks."

"Well just by the look of you I can tell you're strong. A hashira huh?"

"I am the flame hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku."

"I am Akaza. Kyojuro let me tell you while despite being a hashira, you're strength is not enough, because you are merely human, destined to grow old and eventually die." Akaza reached an offering hand to the flame hashira. "Become a demon Kyojuro. Doing so will allow you to better yourself for another 100, even 200 years." Tanjiro crawled to his elbows and was ready to jump in. I placed a hand on his back to stop him as he was still severely injured. Out of all the demons I've faced, Akaza sounded the most like Kibutsuji. He sounded like crawling spiders over a puddle of mud. The sound made my bones shiver.

"Growing old and passing away is what makes being a human so beautiful. They might seem like weakness to you, but it's what makes our lives so much more precious and valuable. You see true strength doesn't refer to just the physical body." He stared at Akaza with a hateful glare I had never seen before. "This boy is not weak, and neither is she. Don't insult them."

"I was never going to attack the girl, I find that disrespectful. "

"Let me be clear, the two of us will never see eye to eye, no matter what twisted reasons you give. I will not yield!"

"I see..." Akaza took a stance and it sounded like he was powering up of some sort."I guess I'll just have to kill you instead." A battle ensued. Akaza's fist kept clashing with Kyojuro's sword. The incredible speed caused dust to kick up from the ground as lightning struck from the cloud.

"I can't keep track of them..."

The dust cleared and the two were in a standoff. One nor attacking or defending, just standing there. Kyojuro took a stance and bolted to Akaza, merely grazing his neck with his sword. Kyojuro blasted Akaza into the dense forest and chased after him. A few minutes passed and Kyojuro was blasted into the trainwreck.


"BUG EYES?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Inosuke yelled.

"Let me make this clear..." Kyojuro stood up and drew back his sword. "I do not like you... I WILL NOT BECOME A DEMON!" Kyojuro attacked but was in vein. Akaza dodged as he gaped in awe.

"What a magnificent attack!" Akaza raised his fist. "Destructive death, air tight!" Kyojuro softened the blow with his katana but was still slightly knocked back. The two kept fighting.



Akaza struck Kyojuro's left eye and blood trickled down his face. A powerful fist was struck to his stomach causing him to keel back but push on in the fight. 


The two charged towards eachother. Kyojuro with a blade drawn and Akaza preparing a punch. Kyojuro sliced his chest, sending the demon into the shadows.

"Is that it? Did he win!?" Inosuke questioned as I kept Tanjiro down. If he got up to fight his wound would reopen and he would die. Akaza sealed the wound as excess blood soaked into the soil. He stood up ready to fight again. It wasn't over yet.

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