22 - Rabies and a hashira so f*ck you

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The four demons had been decapitated but were still alive, holding their own heads. 

"There must be a fifth one." Tanjiro says. He then runs to find Nezuko.

I just looked at what Genya had turned into. The bright yellow tips on his hair and his black and yellow eyes.

"...Why you look like that?" I say, completely out of nowhere. I look around and find Katsuro slowly approaching Genya. "Katsuro no!" He looked at me before taking another step. "UH!" I yell and he stops. He then taps Genya's shoulder and in return he got a rabid snarl.

"FUCK THAT!" He ran away from Genya. Tanjiro ran back with Nezuko after delodging her from a piece of rubble only to have Genya's hand clenched around his neck immediately.


"DON'T GET SO FULL OF YOURSELF!" He yelled at Tanjiro. "I'm the one who's going to defeat... AN UPPER RANK!"

"Genya-!" Tanjiro managed to choke out while Genya had his hand tightened around Tanjiro's neck.

"Genya let go!" I yell.

"Stay out of this Y/n!" Genya snarled and I backed off not wanting to contract rabies. Genya turned back to Tanjirou. "You didn't defeat Upper Six on your own. That's why you haven't become a Hashira!"

"Uh yeah that's right!" Tanjiro choked out.

"You can guarantee that I'll beat you to it!"

"Genya! You're drooling! What's wrong? Not to mention you're choking me."

"Do you have rabies?" I asked.

"I'm the one who's gonna be a Hashira!"

"I mean I'm already a Hashira so fuck you both." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?!" Genya yelled at me.


He turned back to Tanjiro who had a smile plastered on his face.

"You wanna be a Hashira? You have mine and Nezuko's full support!"

"Is he being for real?" I ask Katsuro but more myself.

"I think he is."

Genya looked confused and angry.

"I'm sure there's a fifth demon somewhere. I'll look for it so I want you to buy me some time." 

This really pissed off Genya.

"I know what you're up to! You're just making me let my guard down and-" Tanjiro stared up at him with eyes of pure innocence. "Huh?"

I smiled a little before hearing something jingle. I look up to see the anger demon already regenerated and about to strike lighting with his staff.


I dodge out of the way just in time before the lightning strikes.

"Genya! Y/n! I'm gonna go find the fifth demon! You keep these ones at bay!" Tanjiro runs off.

"By the way don't kill that one, it's my brother." I explain to Genya as Katsuro starts to go feral and attempt to maul the other demons. "KATSURO DOWN!" I command him and he backs up, not before punching the wind demon in the head. I charge forward and attempt to slice the anger demon but he dodges. "UGH! FUCK YOU CUNT!" Nezuko then claws it in the face. "Good job sweetie."

The moment I turn around I hear a screech from Nezuko. I turn back to see the sad demon had impaled Nezuko with his spear.

"YOU DICKHEAD!" I go to slice his head off but I get knocked away by the wing demon into a tree. "OW FUCK!" I try to move but I feel paralysed, my legs won't work. My legs start to tingle as I regain feeling. The wing demon starts to approach me.

"Hah! You're so goddam weak! And you're the strongest here? Pathetic."

"I never-" I groan as I try to stand up.  "I never said I was the strongest."

A pink flame slices his head off.

"You okay?" Tanjiro breaths out as he slashes another demon.

"Yeah..." I say, completely enamoured. I then notice his forehead, his usual scar now looked like flames. "You gotta little- FUCK!" I yell as the wing demon regenerates and I swing my cleavers together, slicing it into three. Genya runs off to chase the mini demon which I refuse to believe is the main body but I digress.

I look up to see the anger demon about to kill Genya. Oh I am not losing my best friend today!

"GENYA!" I sprint with light speed and swing the side of my cleaver to the demon's head, crushing it under pure force. It's arm had been sliced off at the same time by Tanjiro.

"Don't give up! Chase it again! Don't you wanna be a hashira?! We'll protect you! KEEP GOING!"


Tanjiro looked at me with concern.


"FUCK NO!" I drew my blades. I heard a metallic sound from behind us. 

"Wedging spears." The sad demon said and I felt a force push me down, but I was unharmed. I turned around and almost vomited at the sight. Genya was standing there, his body hollowed with multiple holes, yet he was alive. 

"It has to be you Tanjiro, not me, not Y/n, you." Genya grunted. Tanjiro looked at me with worry and I nodded with reassurance. He ran off chasing the tiny demon. I used my lightspeed to jump behind the sad demon and beheaded. Genya then shot a bullet, blowing up its head into a mush. Try regenerating that bitch.


SOSOSO SORRY IT HAS BEEN FOR FUCKING EVER! School has started up for me again and the assignments are already stacking up🤞. Anyway, love you guys and thank you for continuing to put up with my lackluster upload schedule!


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