14 - MILFs and knives

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"The more we talk the closer we're getting to your inevitable death." A new demon said.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned with a cocky grin as I emerged from the smoke like a fucking badass.


"Dude calm down."

"Who the hell are these three idiots?" The new demon questioned. My only thought was why he was built like that, his waist was pretty much non existent and his bones were so prominent I could count each rib.

"That would be my daughter and her friends." Dad announced proudly.

"Damn, a good looking guy has a good looking daughter. That figures."

Tanjiro jumped into the opposite side of the room with Nezuko's box.

"I've taught you well! What a flashy entrance!"

I took a stance waiting to make the opening move. 

"We'll win because we're Demon Slayer Corp!"

"That's dull considering you're being ravaged by poison." My heart stopped and I looked up at Dad.



"No matter how many underlings you have I'm still going to kill you!"

"These brilliant kids are all my tsuguko! And it doesn't help you that I know how to beat the both of you! To decapitate you simultaneously!"

I looked around for openings while Dad went on a spiel to try and distract the demon. I went to attack but a sleepy Zenitsu beat me to it and launched belt demon into the air and chasing after her.

"I'll deal with worm lady with sleepy head! You three take out the praying mantis looking guy."

Inosuke ran out to follow Zenitsu leaving Dad, Tanjiro and I to deal with the sickle demon. He closed his left eye and went on about how women are objects and property.

"Well that's a bit sexist." I commented.

"WE'RE GONNA SLASH YOUR GULLETS! JUST LIKE WE DID TO ALL WHO CAME BEFORE YOU!" He launched himself at Tanjiro, his sickle about to dig deep into his chin. Tanjiro was thrown back by my dad and he launched himself forward to attack the demon. I jumped back to Tanjiro as Dad fought Mr Sickle Man. I heard something from above.

"GET DOWN!" I tackled Tanjiro to the ground as belts shot from the ceiling. We jumped up and I slashed through them.

"Light breathing, 10th form, Saturn's rings, SIX FOLD!" I launched myself into the air and launched myself in the same spherical motion but faster, so much faster. I cut the belts as quickly as they came. I landed on my feet but was slightly dizzy.

A little dizziness can't stop me! KEEP GOING Y/N!

I dodged the belts and sickles went flying towards Dad. Tanjiro and I stepped in and blocked them with our swords. Tanjiro knocked them out of the way and Dad went and attacked the demon with his breathing form.

I deflected the belts and Tanjiro was knocked back hard by one of them. I was worried and scared but I couldn't stop fighting. We fought of the belts when I heard a hundred little blades being unsheathed. I turned my gaze slightly to see my mother launched a swarm of kunai at the demon. Dad sliced of the demon's legs as a kunai stabbed its neck. The demon wasn't regenerating, the kunai were laced with wisteria. I launched myself towards the demon and brought my sword to its neck. 

This was it. I'm killing this cunt, right here, right now.

A Hashira's Daughter(Tanjiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now