21 - More broken bones and GENYA WTF-!?!

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I felt Katsuro pick me up and run only for us to be zapped by the anger demon. I was out cold by now, I couldn't feel a thing and my head was pounding. I woke up when I hit the ground. Nezuko was completely out and Katsuro just stood where he was. I tried to grab his wrist so we could run while Tanjiro had Nezuko on his back. Katsuro wouldn't move so I picked him up and started running. 

"I was gonna blast this place down anyway!" The pleasure demon yelled as he swung his fan. We rounded the corner just in time to avoid the attack.

"We need to inflict an attack that they can't recover from right away." Tanjiro huffed while running.

"I know just the thing but I can't do it with Katsuro on my back." I said. I heard another huge gust of wind hurl towards us. "LOOK OUT!" We couldn't round the corner in time and were blasted out of the building. I was slammed under a piece of rubble and heard a snap in my leg.

"Dammit why is it always me getting fucked up? And my leg as well? What does the universe have against my leg?" I groaned and questioned my existence. The rubble was pushed off me and I saw glowing red eyes. "Yep, Satan's come to take me. Take me already I got a kingdom to run."

"Get your ass up." Katsuro said pulling me up and I just kinda hobbled around on my broken leg. "You good?"

"Does it look like I'm good?"

"Sorry for asking."

Katsuro held onto my shoulder to keep me upright. I realised I left my swords back where I fell unconscious and turned back to get them but fell.

"OW FUCK!" I yelled. I heard flames raging in the distance and it seems Katsuro heard it too. "What's that?" I looked up and saw a pink light. "Nezuko's blood... Come on." I got up and tried to run but yet again I fell.

"Wow, twice in a row."

"Eat a dick." He helped me up and we made it over the the light where Tanjiro had beheaded 3 of the four clones with a bright red flaming sword. 

"Damn..." I looked around trying to find the fourth clone."Wait where's the sad one?" I looked over to see Genya with his back turned, holding the demon's head in his hands, the bottom half of the demon's face was gone and pouring blood. "Uhh Genya?"

"GENYA!" Tanjiro called, something wasn't right. Genya was breathing heavily and his god awful mullet had bright yellow tips. (Jk I love his mullet<3)


He turned his head and-


His sclera were blacked out and he had fangs like a demon. He was growling like a fucking dog.

"OK furry."

"Why do you always have to say the most out of pocket stuff?" Tanjiro asked me.

"Coping mechanism," I looked back at Genya."GENYA! YOU GOOD!?"

He didn't answer and just kept growling.

"Oh damn he really is a furry." Tanjiro said.


Hey everybody! So sorry on the delay for this chapter and that it's so short, I've just been unmotivated. If you read my other stories the next chapter of my Luka x Reader will be coming out soon and I have some more Bolin one shots in mind so stay tuned for those if you care.

Ok luv u byeeee

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