23 - Pokemon and Deaf Banter

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I felt pretty proud of myself... until the anger demon FUCKING ABSORBED THE OTHER DEMONS INTO HIS HANDS! Now he looks like a fucked up pokemon! Wait what the fuck is a pokemon? Nevermind. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I LOOKING AT.

I ran after it as it banged drums, creating huge wooden dragons.

"OK WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled, catching its attention. It turned around and and dragon came flying towards me. I jumped out of the way but it was quick in its pursuit of me. Multiple charged and me and surrounded me in a circle. "9th form, Saturn's rings!" I chopped my way through the dragons and kept running. I found Tanjiro and Nezuko on the ground in a standoff with the new demon. I used my light speed to run up behind the new demon and attempt to slice off it's head. It banged its drum and I was hit across the stomach by a wooden dragon, making me cough up blood.

"Y/n!" Tanjiro yelled. I was sent hurling back to the ground. 

"Up bitch." 

"Eat... a dick..Katsuro." I said in shaky voice, struggling to catch my breath and not choke on blood.

"That's disgusting."

"You're disgusting."

I looked up to see Tanjiro raising his sword and dragons charging towards him. He managed to get hold of one of the heads and it launched him high into the air. I staggered to my feet and spun my cleavers, gaining speed and momentum before charging head first towards the dragons. It was at that moment I realised that these weapons actually sucked. It felt like my arm was going to fly off with every spin, maybe I should've stuck to the sword...nah, swords ae too basic. 

I launched myself forward towards the dragons. 

"Light breathing 10th Form, Orion's belt!" I sliced through the necks of the dragons but as I reached the final one it let out a huge soundwave. The same soundwave that the joy demon was able to perform. It burst my eardrums. Thanks to my enhanced hearing, I'm pretty sure it turned me deaf. I take another stance but since I can't hear right now, I wasn't able to anticipate the oncoming attack. I was being constricted by a wooden dragon. I look up to see Katsuro holding the mouth of a dragon open to prevent him getting eaten. I see Tanjiro get swallowed by a dragon and a feel my stomach sink.  

I struggle to break free from the wooden restraints and feel my hands go numb from loss of circulation. There's suddenly a pink flash and I fall to the floor, wincing at the tingling feeling of the blood rushing to my hands. Side note-! !hat fucking hurts! You know when your legs been asleep and then you move and the tingling is replaced by sheer pain? THAT FEELING! Anyway. 

Mitsuri launched above the dragons with Tanjiro on her back. She landed not to far from me and began shaking Tanjiro's shoulders to which he looked very concerned and confused. 

"Tanjiro!" I yelled not being able to hear myself. Mitsuri looked my way making Tanjiro do the same. He yelled something back but I couldn't hear it or lip read so I was left standing there cluelessly. "What?! I can't hear!"

He started yelling some stuff back which lead to the same back and forth of "What?" and "Dumbass I just said I can't hear!" Mitsuri behind him started having a laughing fit.

I was finally able to lip read one thing.

"I can't hear you!"


Turns out we were both deaf and it was just a weird back and forth.

Mitsuri made a strat towards the dragons and strung a flurry of attacks blurred together in pink. She sliced through them like butter and bee-lined towards the demon without restraint.


SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG MY POOKIES! Sorry it's so short but this is actually like 3 episodes strung together because the rest were majority Muichiro. Once again schoolwork has been kicking my ass and this is what I was able to cultivate in my free time.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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