2 - The Listening game & Rehab for Dummies

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I wanted to spy on the trial so I climbed one of the tallest trees and peeked through the canopy.

"This boy must be put on trial!" I heard Uncle Kyoujirou say.

"Why am I here!?" Tanjiro questioned.

"Is this kid stupid or what?" I whispered to myself.

"Y/n get down from there!" I heard my dad yell. I jumped down from branch to branch before I landed on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked crossing his arms.



"FINE! I wanted to watch the trial!"

"Go home Y/n."


"Go. Home."




"I tell your mom."

"You wouldn't "

"Oh I would."

We stared in silence for a seconds before I broke.

"Fine." I started walking away and mumble under my breath."Dick."

"I heard that!" I kept walking. Some may say I'm disrespectful towards him but it's mostly just a joke between us. He can never stay mad at me. I found Genya also spying on them and he signalled for me to join him. I knelt on his back to get a better look.

"What are they saying?" He asked.

"Hold on let me listen." I cupped my hand around my ear. I repeated everything the hashira said mimicking their voices making Genya giggle.

"I shall decapitate them with style!"

"This boy must be put on trial!"

"Ok ok I get it!" Genya said laughing.

"Y/N AND GENYA I KNOW YOU'RE BACK THERE! " I heard my dad bellow and we both booked it laughing.

We head to the garden of the sound mansion and lay there.

"So you talk to him yet?" I said throwing a pebble up and down.

"No, every time I try I freeze up and it's not like me."

"You'll figure it out."

"You're not helping, besides he'd probably forget if I ever did tell him or worse he'd spill it to Sanemi accidentally."

"Speaking of which." I picked up a large jagged rock that had the characters for each of the Hashira's name on each side that we made when we were little.

"Absolutely, is the meeting over yet? "

"Yep! You wanna roll first?"

"Hell yeah!" He took the rock off me and threw it on the ground.レンゴク (Rengoku)We ran to the flame mansion and I put my ear up against the wall to listen to Kyoujirou.

"UMAI! UMAI!" I cackled and Genya was confused.

"What was he saying?"

"UMAI! UMAI!" I said mocking Kyoujirou. Genya was still holding onto the rock and he rolled it again.

"Oooh Sanemi~ wonder what dark secrets he's hiding." We headed to the wind mansion and I put my ear against the wall again.

A Hashira's Daughter(Tanjiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now