4 - Trains & Uncle Kyojuro

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I was woken up by my annoying ass crow.

"You are to join Kyojuro Rengoku as well as Tanjiro Kamado, Inosuke Hashibira and Zenitsu Agatsuma on the Mugen train to defeat a demon killing its passengers!"

"Uncle Kyojuro?" I threw on my uniform and haori and sheathed my sword. I walked in the halls of the butterfly mansion and saw Genya in front of me.

"GENYAAAAAA!" I ran and tackled him. "Hey Genya."

"C'mon man get off me."

"Fine." I rolled off him and saw Tanjiro behind us.

"Oh hey Tanjiro."

"You know this ranga?"

"Yeah I kicked his ass in rehab training, anyway I gotta head out, SEE YA!"

I headed outside and helped the girls lift three huge gourds and place them in a line. Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu all blew into them. They cracked at the ropes and exploded.

"I see you've mastered total concentration constant, nice work."

The girls handed us a box of rice balls and we headed out.

"So what's with the box?" I asked Tanjiro.

"Nezuko's in there, to protect her from the sun."

"Fair enough."

We made it to a train station and went onto the platform. Inosuke started rambling about how it was some monstrous creature.

"It's a train, Inosuke."

He stepped back and ran full sprint into the train, headbutting it.



Two conductors ran towards us and Zenitsu grabbed Tanjiro whilst I grabbed Inosuke and we ran. The train began to leave and Zenitsu started panicking.

"OH NO!" 

"Stop complaining." I ran toward the train and leapt onto the back. Tanjiro and Inosuke followed after me and Zenitsu ran behind the train. I hopped over the railing and leaned forward towards him. My hand on the railing slipped and I felt myself fall before it was caught by the same rough hand from training. I grabbed onto Zenitsu and pulled him up. I hopped back onto the platform.

"Thanks for that Tanjiro."

"No problem."

We went through the train cars in search for the flame hashira. 

"So this Rengoku, how will we find him."

"He's not exactly hard to miss." I opened the door to the next car and was greeted with a very loud.


"My point exactly."

He kept chanting 'umai' with every bite of his food. 

"Uh sir?" Tanjiro tried getting his attention. "Mr Rengoku?"

"Nah you gotta do it like this," I took a deep breath. "KYOJURO!"

He whipped his head around to me.


"Oh my God this bitch is an embarrassment." Zenitsu stated. 

"Its you, from the mansion."

"Yes, my name is Tanjiro Kamado and this is Zenitsu Agatsuma and uh, Y/n where's Inosuke?"

"Wait he was my problem?"

"KINDA YEAH!" Zenitsu yelled at me.

"Oh then he's halfway out the window."

"HOLY SHIT!" Zenitsu ran to pull Inosuke back inside and I sat opposite Kyojuro. Tanjiro sat next to him and the other two were across the aisle.

"So what brings you four here? A mission?"

"Yeah we were told to go on it with you, but I don't know."

I kinda just zoned out for a few minutes before Kyojuro asked me.

"Y/n, what colour is your sword again?"

"Oh uh I think it was gold?"

"AH YES! A fine colour for a sword." 

Zenitsu started panicking when he found out that we're gonna fight demons on this train instead of meeting up with them when the ticket guy came around. I heard an awful sound, like nails on a chalkboard, the sound of demon claws on the ground. Kyojuro stood up and revealed his sword.

"Apologies for the sword conductor!" The lights flickered out. They flickered back on and at the end of the car was a monstrous demon, two mouths on either side of its head. It looked like it had been mutilated. "Just so you know, demon, if you think you will torment the people of this train, I will end you with my great red blade of fire!" 

He leapt forward and sliced the demon's head clean off.

"Amazing, just one slice."

I heard a different sound, but knew it was a demon. The sound of something stretching and twisting, but also bones cracking.

"There's one more. Come with me kids!"

We ran into the next car with Kyojuro and saw what I heard, a contortionist like demon. The demon went to attack a passenger.

"You will not lay a finger on that man!" I rested my hand on the hilt of my blade. 

"FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!" Inosuke ran towards the demon with his blades drawn.

"INOSUKE WAIT THERE'S A BYSTANDER!" The demon's arms stretched out to try and block Inosuke. Kyojuro pulled him out of the way as well as the bystander. He looked at me and nodded to say that this was my chance. I took a deep breathe.

Light breathing, 2nd form, BLINDING BLAST!

A light went off causing the demon to shelter its eyes. I leapt forward and sliced the next off with my golden blade.

"Woah that was awesome!" Tanjiro said.

"I know I'm fucking brilliant."

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