3 - Four Parents and a Small Crush

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I trained outside the Butterfly mansion when the three butterfly girls came up to me.

"Miss Y/n?"

"Yes girls?"

"Can you show Tanjiro how to blow up a gourd?"

"If it helps him move along then sure."

I followed them to where they had the largest gourd out front. I rolled up my sleeves and blew into the gourd as hard as I could. Cracks formed at where the rope was tied. It exploded and Tanjiro was flabbergasted, and I don't use that word that often. I walked away and the girls grabbed onto my haori.

"Please stay!"

"Sorry, I'm supposed to go train with my dad, I am his tsuguko after all."

I was sparring with my dad today whilst my mothers cheered from the side.



I went to go kick him causing him to go and block it but I switched at the last second, sweeping with my other leg. He fell to the ground but immediately got back up. 

Shit! I forgot I need to pin him for at least 3 seconds.

He tried to land a hit on me but I dodged it and used my elbow on his back to push and pin him to the ground. 

1,2,3!  I got off him and brushed myself off. My mums ran to him and helped him up.

"Well done Y/n, you're getting better everyday!" My dad said.


Makio kissed him on the cheek making me gag.

"You were great too, Lord Tengen."

"Get a room for fucks sake."

"C'mon it's not that gross." Suma commented.

"Watch your language!"

"It's bloody disgusting! PDA freaks me the fuck out!"

"What did I just say!"

"Whatever, It's still gross. See ya!"

I began walking to the butterfly mansion.


5 years old

"Disgusting!" I yelled at my parents.

"C'mon Y/n it's not gross." Katsuro said.

"Yes it is!"

"You won't think it's gross when you fall in love." Suma said tapping me on the nose.

"I'm gonna do what now?"

"It'll happen one day."

"How do you know that Katsuro? You got no bitches!"


"You can't blame me! I got your attitude."

"I mean she's not wrong."

"Makio, please."

"Still, kissing is weird, like are you sucking their face off or something?!"

Makio began cackling and Dad was trying to not laugh.

"What's so funny?"

Suma kissed my forehead and looked at me.

"You'll understand one day."

End of flashback

I walked past Tanjiro encouraging Inosuke and Zenitsu in their training. If I'm being honest... nevermind.

Tanjiro looked over in my direction and waved. My face warmed up and I sheepishly waved back. I went past the mansion's kitchen and stole a sakura ice pop. I climbed up into a tree and enjoyed my frozen treat as I watched Tanjiro's swordsmith go feral on him. 



"Yeah Tanjiro stop making excuses!" He looked up at me in my tree branch. "Heyo!"

"You think this is funny!?" Inosuke yelled at me.

"I think it's fucking hilarious."

We headed inside and Inosuke received his swords. He immediately went out to the garden and we followed him. He picked up a rock and began cerating the blade.

"I'M GONNA SKIN YOU ALIVE!" His swordsmith yelled.

"INOSUKE!" I called to him. He grunted and turned to me. "Use the sharp end it'll make the cerations sharper!" The swordsmith looked like he was about to murder me. Inosuke took my advice and the swordsmiths left.

The next morning was more rehab training. I faced Tanjiro in tag and he was actually gaining on me. I took a sharp side step but he somehow anticipated it and stepped with me. I was running away when I felt a rough hand on my wrist.


"Not bad."

We sat down at the table with the tonic. I reached for a cup but was blocked. Tanjiro then tried but I blocked him. We went at the speed of lightning until he managed to grab a cup. He began directing the cup to splash it on my face but stopped last minute and placed it on my head. I just sat there in confusion.


I took the cup off my head and placed it on the table. 

"Are you okay?"

"Good job."

That night I went back up to the roof of the Butterfly mansion and I heard Tanjiro sit next to me.



"You need anything?"

"I just wanted to ask if you knew anything about something called the Hinokami Kagura."

I looked at him confused.

"Never heard of it."

"Do you know anything about fire breathing." I cringed at what he called it.

"Don't call it fire breathing! It's flame breathing, they are very picky about what it's called."

"Oh, I didn't realise they were different."

"Well know you know."

We looked at eachother in silence before bursting out laughing. Tanjiro was actually a really nice person to be around.

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