Akira Tozawa

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A/N: Hope you like it (It was a old request I had when I first started the book - if you have any questions, go see the A/N)

Wrestler: Akira Tozawa 

Setting: 205 Live, WWE (2017-2018 ca)

Hi, i am Moon and I am a wrestler  for the division of the cruiseweight "205 Live" of the WWE. What can I say about myself? I am a petite wrestler that was born in Bogotà, Colombia and emigrated here 7 or more years ago to follow my dream of being a wrestler. In the company, I met a lot of people that were amazing but I remained close to,in particular, Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Kalisto. One and a half year into the company, I started seeing Akira Tozawa: he is the best guy that i was with, meaning that he's caring and listen to me whenever i ramble, which he finds cute. And yes, I do have a crush on him but I don't know if he shares the feeling

But something  they don't know about me, something that i tried so bad to keep under wraps : I can grow sprouts and vines through my hands. I don't know, I am worried that they would be mad or scared of me if they find out. But anyway!

Today was a typical day for us of the 205 division, even though many people tried to talk me out of competing into this division, to prioritaze doing a desk job or a "normal" job I did stand my ground! This is my passion and i am not giving up. 

Anyways, I am in the parking lot, walking into the building after a long drive alongside my friends Mustafa Ali and Kalisto. Another car approches the parking spot beside ours and it was Akira Tozawa and Cedric Alexander alongside with Buddy Murphy. I stopped walking, and smiled at Akira that was trying to get my attention to show me one of his many aeriel tricks he does to make me smile. While I was laughing, someone honked his car honk at me and I heard the voice of the most annoying guy in the division: Enzo Amore (A/N no hate for him but the story works , got inspired by the actual storyline he had in WWE)

Enzo A: "HEY AIRHEAD! Move your ass and let people park their fucking cars! You are in the middle of the lane" And here it is the rude ass, cocky and manipulative asshole we have as champion with his bright red pick up honking and yelling like crazy 

Moon: "I don't care Enzo! you scared the shit out of me, you could have run me over" I was getting more and more angry but I couldn't afford to show my abilities right now

Enzo A: "I could, but I would ruin my reputation" grabbing the championship belt and showing it off

Oh, did i forgot to mention that he is (unfortunately) the 205 Live champion? Okay, now you know

Akira: "Hey! Don't talk down to her"

Enzo A: " Shove off Tozawa, you can't touch me remember?" showing off AGAIN the belt 

Buddy M: "Trust me mate, you'll not the champion for long"

Akira: "Agreed! You are just a rude ass and not a good example as champion"

Enzo A: "What about a match ah Tozawa?You think so higly of yourself either way " he screamed, red in the face and standing near his pick up seat . Akira went to answer when we heard

Triple H: "HEY! HEY! What is going on?" he said looking at me and the rest of the people in the parking lot, he must heard us 

Moon: "Me and the rest" indicating to my friends "were having a little fun laughing when he came and claimed that if I didn't move he could run me over and tried to issue a match with Akira because he (Akira) took my defense"

Triple H: "You want so much a fight Amore? Well, you got it. Tonight as the main event for the belt"

Enzo Amore look at Triple H baffled  and tried to argue that he didn't have to put his title to the line but the boss was adamant. At the end, Enzo parked and stomped inside but not earlier than glaring at us all while me and my group while we were walink inside, sharing a good laugh of the situation along with advices for the match

The night of the match

And it is time for the main event for the 205 Live Cruiserweight championship! Everyone was nervous and on pins and needles as they got ready to watch from the screens in the locker-room

Moon: "Are you ready? We are stepping out in a few minutes?" I asked while sticking my head into Akira's locker-room "I'll walk down to the ring with you, you know, extra safety measure

Akira: "Sure darling " he said while stroke my cheek "I could need extra eyes out there" After that interaction, and me having a red face we started to head out to the "gorilla" ( A/N I think it's called like this)  position near the curtain waiting the signal to enter the ring 

Enzo Amore, as the announcer announce his arrival, firstly scoffed at us and started to walk out showing off the belt ONCE AGAIN.

And this was our turn now, we waited for the announcement and we walked out with fans cheering for the both of us and chanting our names

(A/N I am gonna cut a lot of the match, because i can't write a match)

It's been 20 minutes now and Enzo Amore seemed to not want to let go the hold he had over Akira. Suddenly, he lets go and he went outside the ring and grabbed a kendo stick not caring that the referee saw him and was warning not to use that kendostick, as usual Amore didn't care and started stricking Tozawa multiple time on his back. At this point, ref called the disqualification and winner Tozawa

I couldn't stay in the sidelines anymore, i jumped onto the apron and from under me, vines started to grow out and a rose sprout went near Enzo: he tried to pick it up but he got punched with it. I released my anger and repetetly punch and hurt the  former champion. Only after a few seconds, i realized that i was on the apron and in front of many people, I retrieved in the back and away from everybody in the safety of my locker-room where i started bawling my eyes out!

That little peace that I could have interrupted by the rowdy locker room and the bosses asking me a whole bunch of questions on what happened. I felt overwhelmed by everyone's questions  that I started crying once again

Akira: "Guys she is scared, go out of the locker room and I'll talk to her."he said looking up at  the bosses that proceeded to let everybody leave and he turn around to look at me "why didn't tell me?"

Moon: "I didn't want you to think that i was a freak"

Akira: "I would never think that about the girl that i love" he suddenly stop talking and looked blankly at me

Moon: "Y-Y-You have love me?" he nodded "I-I-I love you too, i was so scared that you didn't share thos feelings" suddenly i felt a pair of soft of lips on mine

Akira: "Be my girlfriend?"

Moon. "YES" I screamed kissing him again

Mustafa, Kalisto, Buddy: "FINALLY AKIRA. GOSH, SEE IT WASN'T SO HARD" we heard before starting laughing

The end

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