Marcel Barthel

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Wrestler: Marcel Barthel

Setting: NXT 

Lilia222414 (It was a old request I had when I first started the book)

Hallo everyone, I am Lilia and I come from Pinneberg Germany (DE). I have to point out something before, I am Hispanic and I live in Germany. Well, used to live.
I moved to the US not longer than 3 years ago more o less.
You see, back in Pinneberg I had someone I loved but after I got pregnant with two beautiful girls he fled the scene, "no call no show" right?
I never told my family this detail, neither my best friend. You might be wondering who this person is, well it's NXT own Marcel Barthel, proud member of Imperium.
I have following his career since it started, because again he's my best friend but I do have a fat crush on him and I am not that sure to even tell him.
Right now, I am on my way to NXT to watch one of his many matches.
With me I also brought my daughters because he adores them and they adore him to bits. He spoils them and treat 'em like they were his kids, which is heart warming for me.

Being in front of the NXT arena is scary but exciting at the same time.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist: It was Marcel!

Marcel: "Hallo Hübsche, hello little ladies. How are you?"

Lilia: "Hey, I am fine. Same the girls. Right?" To which they nodded. After that, I noticed his teammates behind him

Lilia: "Hallo. Ich bin Lilia, ich bin mit Marcel befreundet. Das sind meine Töchter Sophie und Ingrid. Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen"(hello. I am Lilia, I am friends with Marcel. These are my daughters Sophie and Ingrid. Nice to meet you)

Walter: "Ich bin Walter, das ist Fabian und das ist Wolfgang. Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen"(I am Walter,this is Fabian and that is Wolfgang. Nice to meet you) he said, pointing out each member to which I responded with a nod of my head

Lilia: "Marcel look" I said nudging my daughters to show them "they got your merch"

Marcel "they are so cute. And you darling?"

Lilia: "Sorry boys, British Strong Style here" showing the shirt

Marcel: "No worry, how about we go inside so I'll help you to take your seat" to which i responded nodding

To the Show

The show was going until the match between Imperium and the Undisputed Era

*Announcer: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIIIIP. Introducing the challengers* Imperium music start to play inside the arena, accompanied by multiple cheers but also boos, obviously earning a lot of cheers from us

*Announcer: "And here comes the champions. The NXT tag team champion UNDISPUTED EEEERA"

They came in, shhoting their pose and being accompanied by cheers and boos. Then "Imperium" chants started roaring along the crowd which we stood together

After the match

...And it was 1,2,3 *Announcer:"And the winners of this match AND THE NEW NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS IMPERIUMMM" after witnessing an impressive winner caught by Marcel, we couldn't help but yell at the top of our lungs

Afterwards, we decided to watch the new mechandise that was in display, and if there was something new

Marcel: "Oh here you are Lils"

Lilia: "what I said about that nickname Marcs" I looked at him cringing at the nickname I always called him "ehy, it's only fair if you stop callin me that"

Ingrid: "Mummy, can we go with Marcel to Disnyland?" she asked looking at to me

Marcel: "I would really love to go with you guys"

Lilia: " That's okay darling" i smiled

At Disneyland, after two months and half

Lilia: "Hey girl, we are here babies" I said to the girls that were asleep during the car ride. Marcel laughed a little, while getting out of the car and helping me with the girls "Thank you Marcel, for real. It's their 4th birthday and you made it very much special"

Marcel: "It's not big deal, I actually enjoy spending time with you when I am not wrestling. Beside you told me it was okay to bring the guys and the spouses"

Lilia: "They are important for you and they are very much nice to the girls" she said watching Sophie and ingrid running to greet Fabian and the others with their spouses

We reached them, and starting heading to the entrance to the park while watching out for the girls

Dinner time, evening 

Marcel: "wanna see the Cinderella castle girls? You always said she was your favourite princess" after he said it, the little cuties started jumping around and screaming because they were going to see the castle of,indeed, their favourite princess AND on their 4th birthday, it was just magical. In this trip, I bounded more with the guys' spouses and them.

Right now, we were strolling to find a spot to eat, before going to the castle, talking with spouses whiole guys where behind us mumbling something among eachother, even though I could barely hear them but I didn't want to eavesdrop

Walter: "sag ihr, du hast lange gewartet, komm schon. Das ist die perfekte Glegenheit" (Tell her, you have waited for a long time, come on. This is the perfect opportunity)

Fabian A: "Er hat recht, man kann sich da nicht rausschleichen. Jemand wird sie dir entreißen" (He's right, you can't chicken out of it. Someone will snatched her from you)

Wolfgang : "Sie haben Recht, sei nicht feige, diese kleinen Mädchen lieben dich und sie liebt dich wirklich. Ich hörte, wie sie mit meiner Freundin darüber sprach" (they are right, don't be coward, those little girls adore you and she really love you. I heard her talking to my girlfriend about it)

We said down, and started eating the food we all brought: it was an absolute paradise to see all that food for us. I had a shocked face on and Marcel saw thast, telling me that it was okay because they wanted to bring all the food

After eating, we cleaned up and starting heading to the castle, ready to watch the fireworks we discorved there was going to be. Handing the girls the hearing protectors they had to wear, because they couldn't stand loud noises, we all looked up to start watch the firework show.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Marcel that signalled me to follow him a second, while the guys kept an eye on the girls.

Marcel: "Sorry, but i ehm wanted to tell you something"

Lilia: "What it is"

Marcel: "Ehm ehm I might have been having a huge crush on you since we were 26" he said while looking down at his feet

Lilia: "Ehy Marcel" I said making him lift up his head "I do too you know" after i confessed that and turning beet red, a pair of lips attacjed to mine and several screams and fflashes sounded near us

And here there were, our friends taking pictures of us and my daughters that finally they got a daddy

The End 

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