Lucha Bros - Pentagon Jr

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 Lucha Bros - Pentagon Jr: "Vamos a conquistar el mundo juntos "[we are going to conquest the world together]

setting: 3/4/22
Name: Irene Julia Riva

@Raelynn827 Here I am with the request you had (and I thank you, since I wanted to right one as well but I didn't have any inspiration. Also thank you for the patience and comprehending my boundaries), hope you like it

These last few days have been really hard, with House of Black running around tormenting and picking fights with the now rivals, collectively called "Death Triangle" formed by The Lucha Brothers and The Bastard PAC.
It was Revolution 2022 season, and around backstage there were many people that were worried about the situation and one of them was one of the talents from the women's roster. The woman was Julia Rivas, or better known in the ring as "The Bloodmoon Witch'' Irene Rivas, a 37 years old woman from Bogotà, Colombia. After getting word about the situation, she reached the company and ran like a mad woman inside the Lucha Bros locker room to warn them about the situation and ask what they wanted to do.
"Penta, PAC...we got a problem! A serious one!" she yelled once entering the locker room, scaring the men inside. "Sorry about that, but tenemos un problema, La casa del negro" [We got a problem, House of Black].

PAC, or as she knew him Benjamin, walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders while saying to take a breath and calmly start to tell them what she was blabbering about.
"Well, I heard through the grapevine that the three of them are coming for you guys, getting to destroy you as you don't have Rey with you anymore and most certainly I am not going to fight them" she said and immediately got grabbed by a set of tattooed hands "Por supuesto, mi amor, no vas a luchar contra ellos. Vamos a tratar con ellos. PAC dijo que tenía a alguien que podría ayudarnos con el problema de Brody King, ya que es un tipo grande y, por supuesto, la Casa del Negro se aprovechará de él" [for sure my love, you are not going to fight them. We are going to deal with them. PAC here said he had someone that could help us for the Brody King problem, as he is a big guy and for sure, la Casa del Negro will take an advantage with him.] he said while wrapping a arm over her shoulders, so she could lean down on his shoulder.
The woman sighed, answering that she was scared of what the foe trios were capable of, as they witnessed it.
Even if she had a sour mood, Irene decided to get ready: she decided to pull out of her luggage bag a black corset, paired with a black layered skirt that had also a layered underskirt underneath, as well as a long black cape. Later on, she decided to wear a pair of black Knee-high wrestling boots. Later, she applied her makeup and she went for a skull design in black and white colors, as it is tradition to do during "El dia de los muertos", a Mexican tradition celebrated on November 1 and 2 in which the memory of the dead is honored, she went on to complete the look with a skeleton five finger ring.
She went to the makeup artist and hair stylist and asked if they could realized on her cornflower blue hair in a bun made from getting her hair into braids and then forming the low bun.

After rapidly getting back to the locker room, making sure she wasn't seen by The House of Black, she made sure the guys were ready but before going for curtain time, she asked if Pentagon and her could have a few minutes alone, which was guaranteed by the others who told her that they will be waiting near the entrance.
" lo sé amor,estoy tan preocupado de lo que podría pasar con esos tres. quiero decir, ya tenemos a Rey caído, ¿quién podría haber dado un paso adelante para llegar a Brody? " [Penta, I don't know love. I am so worried about what could happen with those three. I mean, we already have Rey down, who possibly could have stepped up to get to Brody?]
"No te preocupas amor, tenemos todo seguro para vencer contra ellos" [ Don't you worry love, We have everything sure to win against them]. Wanting to trust Penta, Irene nodded and with him, she walked to the curtain ready to get to the ring.
Once inside, Alex Abrahantes started with the speech "Malakai Black always says 'The House always wins' but it seems as the House always wins with deception [...]". At a certain point, The House of Black showed up first on the screen and then in the ring.

After they showed up, Irene decided that she was going to continue the speech and got herself a microphone, Alex let her do the rest of the talking: microphone in hand she started saying "Malakai Black! Hold on Malakai! Alex never said that the three of them are currently in the ring" she said while staring at the man right in the eyes, while also making her way out of the ring "You see, you have your monster and we have ours". and after she said those words, an old friend of hers appeared: Erick Redbeard who went marching down for Brody King directly, the woman could only laugh while security was struggling to get everyone out of control and when Erick took out the ring Brody. Now she felt, that the victory was in their hands 

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