Claudio Castagnoli

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Claudio Castagnoli: "Maybe you've got too many concussions" 

London, Wembley Stadium... AEW All In, It was time for the Stadium Stampede match starring The cruel Blackpool Combat Club flagged by the returning Santana and Ortiz, better known as 'Proud and Powerful'. The atmosphere before the match was extremely tense, that you could cut through the air with a knife.

Eimhir, being Irish, was used to the breeze that was that day and couldn't help but laugh when the guys from the BCC, as almighty as they are looked at her in utter shock when they noticed the attire of the woman: a 'all-white' outfit with a nice pair of jeans combined with a white blouse with a light blue corset incorporated and a matching white sleeveless jacket. All matched with a pair of light blue heels and a purse of the same color.

"I am not sure, but you are not human Eimhir" suddenly Yuta, shivering a little from the sudden cold breeze, said. To which the Irish woman answered "darling, I am Irish. I am used to it. Think that in Dublin the weather is the worst. Ask Claudio" pointing to the said man who in the meantime was finishing to put on the clothes they needed to present themselves in the ring: a pair of black trousers matched with the black wrestling shoes, with a long sleeved black shirt combined with a match coat and a pair of black sunglasses. "I can confirm what she said, I went to Dublin a bunch of times. It's the worst" the Swiss man said as he heard they were talking to him too in the conversation.The youngest guy in the group continued to grumple for quite a while but immediately stopped when Jon Moxley showed up, alongside Renee Paquette and their amazing daughter Nora, dressed head to toe for the cold weather."Come on guys" Eimhir said "it's not that cold" earning some glares here and there among the group. Luckily, in her defense came Will Ospreay who also said that it wasn't that much cold but probably they weren't used to it.Once everyone was ready and dressed, Eimhir asked the BCC if she could have a moment with Claudio and dragged him into an empty hallway."I know you told me this a bunch of times already" she said, "but I can't stop worrying about you. I know that you trained for this, and Mox gave any kind of tips and whatever but please, I am begging you Claudio. Be careful Claudio. Eddie already has a target on you, as well as the rest of your opponents for the match. I know you are going to kill it in a few minutes, but remember what I said", the Swiss man extended his hands towards her face, stroking it gently and smiling at her before pulling her in a hug and saying "I know Meine Liebe, I know. I know what I can encounter in that match at the exact moment I enter. Trust me, I know better than anyone else. I can't promise that I'll be careful but, for you, I'll try to come back in one piece.", the woman smiled in the sweet embrace and then said "you better, if not I am coming in the Stadium and get all your pieces myself and maybe, and i mean maybe kill someone", to which again the Swiss man answered that he knew for sure that she would be killing it in the match alongside with the rest of the group.They both laughed at the last statement and started to get back to the Blackpool Combat Club locker room where they received a thunder of question, to which they answered they needed to have a moment of peace and to give eachother a pep talk"They got in position and the match started. Eimhir moved backstage alongside Renee to better follow the match, but also in full safety as that was really important for everyone.After what it felt like an excruciating time, finally the match was over declaring the victory for Best Friends,Eddie Kingston, the returning Penta Oscuro and the man that scored the victory pin Orange Cassidy at Claudio's expense.Eimhir was looking a bit distraught and she tried so hard to pull a brave face while heading to the med office where the Blackpool Combat Club was currently, while getting patched up.The only thing she could do in that moment was look at them with a little bit of pity as for how the group was left after the match.Santana and Ortiz already left and Eimhir made a mental note to shoot them a text to thank them for participating in their return match.One by one, each member was getting out from the medic office to get back to their locker room, the Irish woman was following them while looking at the beaten partner and deciding to take matter in her own hands and finishing to patch him up as him and Mox refused to finish getting patched up because their respective partners were in the same room and they didn't want to be seen in pain.In the locker room, Eimhir went to sit on the bench but Claudio quickly grabbed her hips and pulled her on his lap "so you can medicate my face, and see better because I know you have some difficulties seeing without your glasses. Remember? I know you better than yourself", the woman could only laugh at the statement and started to medicate his beaten and cut face."It was so brutal that, like at one point, I couldn't even bear to watch some parts of the match. How many freaking times have I told you to be careful? That Eddie had a target on you? You never listen to me, never once! One thing I have to admit is that you looked extremely hot looking all good with the black attire" she said while dabbing on the cut. It is disinfecting, this sentence surprised the members of the group to which Claudio answered with "Well, what can I say...I looked good. Don't think i didn't see you looking at me up and down...", that answer had become just a pretext for the rest of the group to laugh out loud, while Eimhir hit Claudio's arm and turned away with a pout."Maybe you've got too many concussions" she grumbled while remaining with her back turned to him but not before finishing the sentence saying that Claudio is going to pay for it as well as his team mates. In the meantime, Jon was having a laugh of his life and suddenly said "it's not like you are going to fuck her here while we are here", laughing also at Eddie that suddenly entered, but as quickly as he entered and exited the locker room while grumbling that is saying something about Claudio.Eddie wasn't the only one who hurried out of the locker room. Eimhir, followed by Renee, came out in a hurry all red in her face continuing to say that Claudio would have paid dearly and her friend could only agree with her, saying the same of her husband

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