Swerve Strickland

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Warning: Might be angsty (friends level)

"I'd never do anything to hurt you sweetheart"
Freya Kaylynn Nicholls

Freya was going absolutely crazy, with one of her good friends better known as "Hangman" Adam Page that was having a feud with none other than Swerve Strickland.This feud was getting to her, the two of them started to feud in March of this year and it was getting crazier every day.Unfortunately for the Virginia woman, Swerve got her in the middle as he mentioned her during his long tirade in these past few months and today wasn't going to be even better as there was going to be the contract signing: the woman was supposed to be present as per her law studies so she decided to show the professionalism not only in her words but also in her way to dress and while in the locker room, she found a massive bouquet of pink, white and red roses with a note that stated 'just for you sweetheart, keep the smile up' and Freya thought it was from Hangman to which she smiled widely.She opted for a white shirt topped with a black vest topped with a matching leather belt. Then she opted to wear a pair of black dress pants that hugged her curves perfectly and matched everything with a pair of black shoes with thick heel and platform with ankle strap but everything couldn't be more perfect than wearing her jewelry: the silver necklace that had a amethyst as pendant, the matching silver earrings and her multiple rings included the one shaped as a snake that was her favorite.For her makeup, she opted for a nude and glitter smokey eye, with a simple line of eyeliner and a pinkish lipstick.While she was getting ready to put her hair in a decent way, someone entered the locker room and she assumed was her best friend Adam who came to check on her but the second she turned around, the smile she had on her lips became a disgusted look as found herself in front of the person she would not like to meet before signing the contract: Swerve Strickland, who was looking at her with a smug look on his face, while also whistling at the sight in front of him."You know Ms King... I find it pretty difficult to believe that this hotshot of a woman like you" he started saying, walking towards her with his hands in the pockets "is possibly associated with some like Hangman Adam Page" he stated laughing darkly but before he could continue Freya started speaking "as a man who preach himself as the best, you are foolish if you think for one second I'll fall for your tricks or mind games" to which Swerve answered with reaching out for her face and putting one hand of her cheek before saying "oh darling, I am already inside yours and his mind" he said referring to Adam "simply by the fact that I am standing right here in front of this beauty that you are but I don't see him here to defend you, in fact I haven't seen him defending you when you were attacked last time by J.A.S and Anna Jay, or am I wrong? But let's not waste anymore time, we need to get to a contract signing" Swerve stated while getting out of the locker room and laughing.The words he spoke stung in Freya's mind and they almost made her rethink her choices, spacing out of reality, when suddenly Adam barged in her locker room "Freya, are you okay? I saw Swerve getting out of your locker room, what did he tell you?" he asked while having his hands on the sides of the woman's face and looking at her spacing out in worry.Freya then managed to assure the man that everything was going to be fine and that she is not going to allow that man control her with some words, and this seemed to have the man calmed down as this wasn't the first time when Swerve approached her to try to play mind games during the feud but for the Hangman this was going to be the last time, he was absolutely fed up.A few minutes later, Freya was let to starting heading to the ring and the woman try to put the most professional expression she could to try and endure the torture that, she knew, was going to be the contract signing. Swerve entered and immediately stared her down with a smirk on his lips and waited for Hangman Adam Page to enter before setting down, while putting his feet on the table.Freya was handed a microphone and proceeded to speak "Gentlemen, just to reiterate both the Elite and the Mogul Embassy have been banned ringside tonight hence we have security surrounding the ring" she stated while indicating to the outside, to make a point and then continued "But it's now time to make this match official for Wrestle Dream: Hangman Adam Page, Swerve Strickland. Hangman, would you like to do the honors first?" she asked while managing to open the contract and sliding it in front of said man that was getting ready to sign, but not before Swerve interrupted and started speaking in the microphone "Before you sign that paper, I gotta admit, I've been really impressed with the fire that you've been showing the last couple weeks, even over at Grand Slam. I didn't think you had it in you, bro.I mean, it's a little bit too late for that though, you know that? We are four days out from Wrestle Dream, my match between me and you. I mean, it's better to be prepared on the approach rather than the landing. That's just me, I don't know. Do you understand what you're walking into? This is Seattle, Washington, also known as whose house?" to which the fans answered with Swerve's House "This is a lion's den we're talking about here. This is the 12th man, damn it. This is unlike anything that you've ever dealt with. I don't think you really understand, bro. We are two competitors, we are two competitors that couldn't be more opposite for one another. I am nothing, I am nothing like you. You are not the rest of the I am and I am never, never going to be the wrestler that you are." Swerve said while making a seemingly mocking sad face and continued on his tirade up until Hangman got the microphone in his hands, and the fans could visibly see the sight of relief that Freya took when her best friend got the mic and started speaking, gloating about his successes like winning the Texas Death Match against Jon Moxley, getting back together with The Elite and so on. When he finished talking, he got the contract signed and handed it to Swerve while the said man laughed at the opponent and started speaking saying that the whole tirade was beautiful but it made the man look pathetic and continued to refer to what he said. Hangman then got up and clench his fists, getting ready to swing, after stabbing Swerve's hand into the contract, but Swerve was attentive: what nobody expect was Swerve getting up and using Freya as a human shield, meanwhile he continued speaking "You see, there is something that you didn't quite calculated: you didn't managed to save your friend and lovely Freya Kaylynn Nicholls from my eyes. You see, while you were trying to hunt me down this right before we had this encounter, I was right in her locker room making her realize that you don't really care about her as you don't even are able to defend her when I am around" after saying this, Swerve got out on the apron while holding the bloody hand on her neck and brought his mouth near her ear, while holding the mic as well and said "you see sweetheart, he is not even man enough to even defend you all the times you were mentioned. As I said before to you, while we were in your locker room, I find it pretty difficult to believe that this hotshot of a woman like you is possibly associated with someone like Hangman Adam Page. I am going to leave you behind or leave you for granted. Think where you want to stand darling" he said and started retreating "oh by the way, enjoy the flowers I sent you. I like to see that bright smile on you and I wouldn't mind give you a ride, with those beautiful curves, if you know what I mean" Swerve stated, looking at her with a sly smirk but he couldn't predict for Hangman to sprint out of the ring and started to rain down fists and a full on brawl started.Freya stayed in the ring and looked over the commentary table to Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and Tazz, who promptly got up and helped the scared woman out the ring and then she was accompanied by a security guard to the backstage where she was welcomed by her good friend Renée and her husband Jon and them both proceeded to ask her how she was feeling as they noticed how she was shook from the experience in the ring just happened.After reassuring her friends that she was fine, just a little shaken by the experience, a little scared, but nothing serious.Once in the locker room, to where Jon accompanied her insisting that she needed someone to watch her back, the first thing she did was take off her heels and the belt she had on the vest and then Freya dragged her feet to the mirror she was provided and look at her figure, as well as the bloody print that was left on her neck.Her eyes were almost tearing up to the thoughts of the words that the leader of the Mogul Embassy reserved for her. After that, she ran inside the bathroom to grab a towel and clean up the print that was dripping along the neckline, soiling the collar of the white shirt and while she was doing that Adam, or better known to her as Stephen, barged in yelling and demanded to know what was going on with Swerve and her.Freya didn't know what to do or what to say to this enraged man, and she was getting scared minute by minute because Stephen rarely got angry that way with her. Frustrated by his reaction and his inability to even hear her out, she took a deep breath and screamed at the top of her lungs "Listen here Stephen Blake Woltz, and yes I used your full name, I am not going to stand here and let you insult me as you like. I don't know what is going on with Swerve's head but I know damn sure that when I needed you the most, for anything that happened both in my life and on the ring, you weren't there. You weren't there when I got attacked by Anna Jay, Tay Melo and the rest of the J.A.S. You weren't there when Marina Shafir almost snapped apart my arm, you weren't there when I needed you when I was laying in the hospital after being caught in the middle of your stupid brawl with the BCC and you didn't even noticed that I was injured, Claudio out of all people did. When you were champion, and feuded with Archer I was ringside for anything and I didn't back down when I had Archer right in my face. And most of the time when I needed you, where were you? you were running around the Elite, trying to get your so-called friends bak. What I am to you? Someone you can toss away and get back just the moment you need? Explain that to me?"Adam could only remain silent, and just listen to what his friend was saying but when she started to stare him down expecting an answer, he couldn't provide an answer as he knew she was right.When he didn't speak, Freya continued yelling "Oh now you don't speak. You had spent your energy to yell at me and accuse me of betraying you with Swerve, and now you don't even say anything. Unbelievable. Listen Stephen, I am tired of running around you and getting nowhere because it is pretty clear you don't care about me or what I do, so please Stephen get your ass out of here and out of my life. I am done having you walking over me and letting you insult me as you did today, this is enough. Just go" she stated firmly while pointing at the door and started to try cleaning the bloody handprint she had on her neck. After getting out of the clothes she was wearing before, she decided to change in a simple figure hugging black skirt, matching it with a dark green sweater and changing into her black sneakers and also decided to put up her hair in a couple of braids for the front strand and then pulling them together into a ponytail and the rest of the hair remain long and wavy as her dark brown was.She then proceeded to check that she wasn't leaving anything behind and went to get out from the locker room, when Freya found herself by none other than Swerve Strickland who looked at her before saying "I'd never do anything to hurt you sweetheart. You know, what I said in the ring was true. I'd never let you down or leave you for granted, I am not Hangman that prioritized his so-called friends to someone I would care more about" he stated while swiping his thumb under her eyes, as she never noticed she started to tear up while leaving the locker room, and then handed her a water bottle "drink a little bit of water, I thought you would need it. You see, I might be cruel and thirsty for blood in the ring, but I am not a heartless animal and I notice when a beauty like you needs a little tenderness and not a person who shouts accusations and insults in your face without listening to you. If you're wondering: yes, it's true that the whole roster heard the whole speech that Adam yelled" to which Freya hints at a small smile and she leans on Swerve's hand, which I had then laid on her cheek as she spoke. Freya then begins to speak, looking at the man in front of him in the eyes "If you say you are better than him, why don't you prove it?" Swerve promptly replied, "What if I took you to dinner, so you rest and change the scenery after today's day after all I'd never do anything to hurt you sweetheart. I told you and I'll always tell you".Freya was impressed by the words that were being addressed to her, not only because she hadn't heard them for a long time, but because she didn't expect Swerve to be able to hear them, so she accepted the proposal. But Swerve hadn't finished talking, so after dinner he proposed that she join The Mogul Embassy so he could help them, in exchange for Prince Nana along with Swerve and the rest of the faction helping her back into the ring, as poor Freya was injured before the feud between Swerve and Adam began.The woman agreed and so they walked out of the locker room, with Swerve opening the door and resting the same hand on her small back and together they walked to the parking lot and went to eat, discussing the details of the proposals.

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