Akira Tozawa

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(It was a old request I had when I first started the book)

Hi! I am Theia and I work as a commentator for the roster of 205 Live for WWE. I really enjoy my job and I also have great commentator buddies and friends in the roster: Mustafa Ali, Kalisto and Cedric Alexander for example. I also own a fish named Tory that the guys and my boyfriend Akira Tozawa gave me for my aquarium

 I also own a fish named Tory that the guys and my boyfriend Akira Tozawa gave me for my aquarium

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(A/N reference for Tory

You may be wondering why I own an aquarium? Well, you see, I am a mermaid.

You may be wondering why I own an aquarium? Well, you see, I am a mermaid

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A very real mermaidA very real mermaid.Anyway, I recently noticed that my poor precious baby is hiding in one of the many decorations I put up just for her in the tank

Theia: "Akira, I want to go to the beach to collect coral for Tory," I said

Akira: "Dear, do not you think it's safer if you go when it's dark? I would not want anyone to see you."

Theia: "I'll be fine. It's a work day and I have found a good place where no one can see me"

After a lot of convincing, he let me go to my secret spot on the beach.Immediately I started diving and looking for corals, which I found.

They are colorful and eye-catching. I love them. Unfortunately, I missed a poisonous coral that was in my way and grazed my arm.

Theia: "Gosh damnit"

I tried to patch it up a little but it was no use, i decided to put the coral into my bag and immediately go home so i could medicate that graze

Akira: "what you done?" he asked while fixing the coral into the aquarium, after noticing the red on her arm

Theia: "Oh nothing, i grazed against one"

Akira: "If you say so"

From time to time, Akira notice how much his girlfriend was affected, I mean he noticed how she would get angry for no reason or ignore him for small things.

He tried to ask her what was wrong, but she wouldn't answer.

One day, while they were eating anchovies she started to feel sick to her stomach: she knew it was wgat she was eating because she wasn't alelrgic to anything. After a long time thinking about it, it finally clicked to her... it was that coral. I tried to up for any side effects that it could have but i found little if not nothing.

The only thing i think is the most correct to do in these moments, to avoide panicking, was diving. So I grabbed my keys, shoes and mask and headed full speed to the marine park, where i knew there were empty tanks where i could dive in peace, especially because they were into an isolated wing of the park. My secret was safe

In the meantime, the guys wee allerted by my amazing and carring boyfriend that i was missing until

Mustafa Ali: "Did you check the marine park?" he asked Akira, to which he shook his head no.

They also noticed the pages on my Internet search history, about the graze and conseguences, the antidote and started to gather everything to prepare themselves for the worst scenario possibile.

They started rushing to get their shoes and the rest of the stuff they needed to usure yjay Theia was okay. 

While with you, you were happily swimming around hoping to not think about everything going on in her life. She heard a knock on the tank and it was her "brother from another mother" Riddle, pulling out faces to make her laugh, which she did back to him.

In the mean time evertyone arrived and tried to reason wiith Theia to get out of the tank and take the antitoxin but she wouldn't badge, She went so far as running out of the park and running back at home, while going into hiding  first in the close, but she thought it was too obvious, and then under the bed. There were starting to pop out from her knuckles some sort of claws...to say that she's scared it's an understatment. 

When everybody arrived and were trying to find her, Tory jumped out of her little tank and started leading the group to her hiding spot.

To try and reason with her to take the antitoxin that would save her life, they tried everything even coaxing her with her favourite type of fish but with no avail.

When she tried to stick out her arm to grab the fish, that they left in front of her, the antitoxin was injected immediately in her.

After quite a while, she finally calmed down and started whimpering on how much her arm hurt. Akira took her out from under the bed and brought her to the batheroom

Akira: "Try to have a bath and then we will medicated that graze of yours" he smiled, while caressing her cheeck

Theia:" Okay, and Akira, thank you" she answered back to him

Well evertything turned out to be good, Theia recovered and spent the rest of the day with her friends laughing about the all situation

The End 

[A/N it will probably suck a little, sorry]

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