JD McDonough

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Wrestler: JD McDonough (Ilja Dragunov as brother)

Setting: NXT (current NXT)

A/N Hope you like it Lilia222414 (It was a old request I had when I first started the book)

As I standing in the airport lobby I found myself deep in thoughts.
Oh silly me, hi! My name is Lila Dragunov and am 24 years old and,as you can guess from my name, I am from Moscow Russia

Going back to the topic, I found myself myself in deep thoughts because was the day when I'll see again my dear brother Ilja after 2-3 years I'd say.
You see, I am a wrestler and I got offered the possibility to wrestle on the NXT brand of WWE.
Collecting my thoughts and my bags, I started walking towards the exit.
After exiting, immediately I found a cab to which I give the address where I needed to go and I started texting our mother, when she called

Mother: "ты приехал?"(did you arrive?)

Lila: "Да мама, я собираюсь удивить Илью" (Yes mum, I am going to surprise Ilja)

After I finished talking to my mother, I hadn't time to even hang up that I just arrived to my destination.
I paid and tipped the driver, grabbed my bags and breathed. I breathed because I didn't know how Ilja would react to see me after a long time... Would he be mad, surprised or what?

I strolled inside, showing my badge to security and went down to look for Shawn Michaels office
But I didn't know where it was... And i decided to ask to one of the guys that was around here.

Lila: "Hey sorry" I said, catching the guy's attention "I am trying to find Mr Micheals office, I should meet him there. By the way, my name's Lila"

Bron: "Oh hi. I am Bron" he said smiling"come on, I'll show the way. There's nobody by far so it's easier to talk and it's queiter"

Lila: "Definitely what I needed, oh you're the champ" I glanced to the title, and Bron nodded.

We continued to talk until we reached a door

Bron: "Well, this is it. It's your destination. I hope to see you around more"

Lila: "Definitely Bron. See you later" I waved goodbye and knocked at the door, hearing that from inside was said that I could come in

Shawn M: "Ms Dragunov! It is nice to meet you finally. Ilja hasn't stopped talking about you"

Laughing a little I responded "Oh I want to bet on it. He adore me and sure we missed each other"

Shawn M: "Okay so let's talk business. Ilja will teaming up, for the main even tonight, with JD McDonough against Imperium. (A/N Imagine this could be possible) I'd like to put you in the equation: so after the win of JD/Dragunov, Imperium will start attacking them and this is your cue to enter. Any weapon you want, as equaliser and do your best to defend them. They'll not know, I told them that someone will come save them. Any preference on theme songs?"

Nodding I answer, asking if it could be possible to have my brother's to make a point.
Shawn then proceeded to tell me that he will have someone to do my makeup after I showed him my gear style.

Shawn then proceeded to tell me that he will have someone to do my makeup after I showed him my gear style

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(A/N imagine as the gear)

After a few more minutes, Shawn Micheal was so kind to bring me to the locker-room where I was going to stay up until my debut in NXT

Twenty minutes later

I heard a knock on the door and after saying that the person could come in, i found out that was the make-up artist girl and another person with her

Roxanne Perez: "Oh sorry to barg in like this"  she started smiling "I am Roxanne Perez, the women's champion. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you good luck for when you debut. By the way, you look ravishing"
I laughed a little thanking "thank you, actually I am debuting tonight. I am excited and worried to the same time"

Roxanne P: "Come one, it's going to be good your debu. I'll wait with you until you get called"

And so, we got comfortable and started watching the match

Announcer: "and its time for the main event of the evening! Introducing first, Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser IMPERIUM" Imperium music started blaring into the arena, along booes and cheers. They started to march down in the ring  (A/N Walter/Marcel Barthel). After a few seconds, violins 

(A/N I think it's like this...I can be wrong) started playing "AND THE CHALLENGER. From Bré Wicklow, Ireland JD MCDONOUGH. And his tag team partner, from Moscow Russia ILJA DRAGUNOVVVVVV" I started cheering for my brother, which Roxanne noticed

Roxanne P: "Ilja is a great competitor don't you think?"

Lila: "Yes, and he's also a amazing older brother" Roxanne looked shocked but understood 

Announcer: " The winner of this match, JD McDonough and ILJA DRAGUNOVVVV" got announced when they got blinsided from behind by Imperium. That was my cue to leave, I excused myself and run out of the locker-room with Roxanne in tow.

Shawn met us at the middle of our run and handed me a kendostick which i gladly accepted and told the tech guys to put my music on 

(A/N same as Ilja)

The crowd roared when I sprinted out, with a little pleasentries earning also a surprise/shocked look by both JD and Ilja, instead Imperium seemed to not understand what was going on.

Smirking at ther faces, I slide into the ring and started hitting the first of Imperium near me ,so Ludwig Kaiser, with the kendostick. Shot after shot, I continued my attack until those two weasels slide out of the ring and started retrieving backstage. I couldn't help but starting yelled at them and daring them to even stepping foot inside the ring, with a mad look of my face. Hey! I wasn't called the Mad Princess for nothing.

I calmed down a little, and turned to my brother and we leapt in eachother's arms and he whispered

Ilja: "Я скучал по тебе, сестра, почему ты мне не сказала?" (I missed you sister, why didn't you tell me?)

Lila: "это был сюрприз" (it was a surprise) ,after that he lifted my arm up to the air and then handed me to JD, that was patiently waiting in the corner grinnin

JD: "Hello darlin'" He stated right when I was hugging him tightly "I missed you so damn much your face"

Lila: "I did too JD" giggling, I looked at my brother who had an amused grin on his face. I looked around and the crowd started chanting to me to turn around. When I did, I found Jordan (A/n Jordan is his real name) kneeling down, with a ring box in his hand, Ilja handed him a mic and was able to say

JD: "Lila, we have been together since the first day we were in NXT UK, throughout thick and thin. After one year, I asked you to be my girl but now, after almost 4 years I am here to ask you: Will you marry me?"

Lila: "You are now stuck with me Ace, YES" I screamed and jumped into his arms while whole roster and Finn Balor came to congratule us

The End

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