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"Fuck baby I can feel it all in my stomach," my fiancé says running from me, "Tell me you like It, I say lifting my leg on to the bed and applying more pressure to her, while softly touch her touching her below.

"Uhm baby, I love it so much," she screeches as she grabs onto the covers almost pulling them off. Flipping her over I pull into missionary still serving her long strokes. "Fuck baby I'm almost there," she says now touch her self with her eyes closed.

Slapping her hand away I pull out and lower my face to suck on the top of her clitoris while sticking two fingers in her.

Moving her hands to my head she forces my face deeper into her parts as I continue to lick and savor the woman's body.

"Right there James, fuck baby she," says as her juices come flushing out of her lower half of her body. Taking my two fingers I decide to push them in and out faster so she can ride out her feeling longer.

Taking my fingers out of her I lick the juices off  and grab her face so she can taste her own self. Holding onto me she deepens the kiss making me become hard again.

"You better stop before we have a third round," I say slapping her butt. "James please that was you kissing all on my neck you know my spots," she says laying back.

"Yeah whatever I told not too where that outfit you know it make my dick hard," I say getting up and starting her a bath.

Turning on the hot water I place the special bubbles she like into the water. "Come on," I say walking back into the bedroom and picking her up.

"Lord James what do you want she asks," while I set her into the water. "Nothing," I say kissing her neck. "I just have a question that all".

"We'll come on what is it?" "I want to start talking too this guy," I say taking my necklace off before getting behind her. "Uhm," she says laying her head on my chest. "What is he a student?"
"Yeah he is," I say slight rubbing her scalp.

"Okay so what will this be too you?Do you want a relationship or just sex." "Right now I don't know honestly. I just know he left my office with a bulge in his pants."

"It was those overalls you had on the other day
was it." "Yep all I did was bend over, I say slightly giggling. "Of course he got hard because your ass had those on if I was a boy I would've done the same thing."

"You're such a whore," she says getting up and sitting on my lap. "I know," I say licking her neck. "I just want your permission to talk too him."

"Well since you haven't  asked in a minute to sleep with somebody else. I'll let you have this one, but she says grabbing my member and stroking it, when y'all have sex I want to watch during". "Deal," I say gliding her hand up and down my member.

"Okay deal let's shower and go to this ghetto party your friends have us going too," she says covering her self in soap.

𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

"Congratulations to the beautiful couple, our friends cheered on". We all down the shots of tequila feeling our insides warming up. "I can't believe y'all are getting married," Raven says sucking on her lime.

"I know it's crazy I thought it would only be you and James, but now it's me and Iman and I can't be more excited," our friend Kayla answered.

"Well welcome to the group," I said patting Iman back. "I'm truly glad y'all have joined the fiancé club." "Oh most definitely she's too amazing to let go,"he says kissing her shoulder.

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